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538 maps matched your criteria

By jabo1SFH DF2 SD 4,372 Downloads Added 10/24/2022 Updated 07/15/24 Add Comment PermaLink

castle S&D
The structure was part of a coop map that I did not make. Dont know who made that coop map, but if someone knows, please let me know so I can give proper credit. I just tidied up the walls to eliminate the minor flashing, tightened up the alignments and changed the items to targets. added a few small bunkers to fill out the areas and added some sound markers. Vanilla DF2, no mods needed. 6 targets per team. Should be a fast paced map. Enjpy!! update: original map was made by wiseco. credit for original complete.

By Evening Star DFBHD SP 4,826 Downloads Added 09/25/2022 Add Comment PermaLink

015-Multiplier Theory
Time: April 24, 1993 - 2025 hours
Location: Urban agglomeration dubbed "Quiet" Eastern Fragrant Quiet Valley
·Situation: We will conduct mission by two divided teams after meeting motorcade according to the Assault Operations. And the report showed that troops unevaluated are under fierce fire power and in dire demand of our rescue in the suburbs of the city. However, the enemy force is heading towards both the fire-compressed and us. We must tear us free and gather the divided team together for sequential take-over of gym against enemies.
This is my fifteenth mission, please enjoy

By DF:BHD DFBHD TDM 4,588 Downloads Added 09/12/2022 Updated 10/02/22 Add Comment PermaLink

This is a pure tunnelmap. There's a few psp's to keep the fight intense.

Hope you enjoy.

Map is tested at server:

Game Name: Re-animators
Game Type: Team Deathmatch
IP Address:
Port: 17479

Map has been updated and changed a little. Psps by the base spawns are deleted.

By By Dj DFBHD SP 4,831 Downloads Added 09/04/2022 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink

Operation: Last Force
This map was never completed, but there was too many request for this map. Here it is!

By thrasherstone DFBHDTS SP 4,925 Downloads Added 08/24/2022 Updated 08/30/22 Watch video Add Comment PermaLink

Relief Delivery
Relief Delivery by TIO Thrasher Stone

(UPDATE: Fixed the last road block towards the end of the mission.)

Your mission is to provide over-head cover for a convoy that is delivering food and medical supplies to the next village. You will go through a hostile town along the way. Protect the convoy at all times and make sure the convoy makes it safe to the next village.

By =UFP=Breanna DF2 AD 4,782 Downloads Added 07/26/2022 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: DF2 EVO

A medium sized base with 43 targets to destroy. This was an early TXP2 map that has been converted for the EVO mod. =UFP=Breanna has always made nice maps in the DF2 world. Enjoy this one!

By nickk DFBHD DM 4,871 Downloads Added 07/10/2022 Updated 07/18/22 6 Comments PermaLink

Enjoy my latest map please comment good or bad....Fire Removed

By DF:BHD DFBHD TKOTH 5,058 Downloads Added 06/24/2022 Add Comment PermaLink

Defend the Bridges
I have not created this map. mal2421 has created it as DM map. I have only make it fit as TKOTH map. I also removed all the BHD:TS objects to make it fit my server.

Original description about the map:

Defend the Bridges is another small map good for small sniper or cqb
plenty of objects explode on this map so be careful
hope you enjoy

By Dookie DFBHD TDM, TKOTH 5,528 Downloads Added 04/09/2022 Add Comment PermaLink

Dookie's Night
A somewhat dark map but plenty of light to engage. Protected spawn points on either side of the map. Both TDM and TKOTH files included.

By By Indonesia DFBHD SP 6,131 Downloads Added 03/16/2022 Updated 03/21/22 4 Comments PermaLink

Reach Mile Takedown
Reach Mile Takedown
Date: October 4, 1998 - 0715 hours
Location: Mogadishu, Somalia

A rescue convoy has been dispatched from base. When it arrives, load the wounded and follow it to a strongpoint we’ve established. Provide cover fire for the trucks and watch for snipers

Message from me: in this mission it is very difficult to approach the extreme, because the distance between us and the Somali troops is the bullet damage is very painful, so when you meet an enemy using a machine gun from afar but you don't see it, you have to be careful because once you meet you are immediately shot. all out, how to prevent being shot by enemies using machine guns 1. You have to look for protection such as a wooden house or like an igloo that is far from the machine gun and an igloo house or the like so there is an opportunity to hide. But if you hear a conversation it means your mini helicopter or little bird is coming to your aid. I wish you luck, efforts do not betray the results

By nickk DFBHD DM 5,704 Downloads Added 03/07/2022 1 Comment PermaLink

Hang the monkey
One for the Hartlepool fat lad.... Enjoy

By By Dj DFBHD SP 6,378 Downloads Added 03/01/2022 5 Comments PermaLink

#10 Reach the Crash
10th mission of my campaign. There is no 9th mission of this campaign. You can play my mission Irene, Remake 2021 for 9th mission.

By TrAybars DFBHDTS SP 6,194 Downloads Added 02/27/2022 Watch video 4 Comments PermaLink

Airfield Raid
I designed the new mission.Enjoy!!If you see some mistakes you can write here(Comments) or my channel.I spend a lot of time in mission editor.But
now ı have to study my exams maybe its my last map..

You can support my channel on youtube symbol
I recorded this map on 1080p60fps.

It may appear black hawk down mission but it's team sabre mission!

By By Dj DFBHD SP 6,344 Downloads Added 02/20/2022 Watch video 2 Comments PermaLink

#8 Restricted Freedom
8th mission of my campaign. Enjoy.

By Seahawk DFBHDTS SP 6,207 Downloads Added 02/10/2022 Updated 03/23/23 Add Comment PermaLink

Deception (Remastered)
Fifth Mission in Campaign (Remastered):

Magrucho Paulo's smugglers stole 2 UH-60 Blackhawks from a US camp in Colombia. The current location is at a facility in a village. Infiltrate the village in a convoy of a Humvee, an APC and a 5 ton truck. They have some technicals, a Hummer and an armed Little Bird at their facility. Be aware that the nearby region is patrolled on foot, truck and helicopter. Destroy any patrols you encounter. The village is fortified with a Browning HMG nest, watchtowers and a pillbox. Infiltrate and secure the village, destroy all drugs and weapons but not the meat. Destroy any airborne Blackhawks but if they're grounded then commandeer them back to base.

Special Thanks to: IcIshoot for explaining about how to fix soldiers exiting trucks and marching ahead.

By By Dj DFBHD SP 6,458 Downloads Added 02/04/2022 Watch video 1 Comment PermaLink

#7 Unbroken Relations
7th mission of my campaign. Enjoy.

By By Dj DFBHD SP 6,224 Downloads Added 01/29/2022 Watch video 2 Comments PermaLink

#6 Bad Boys
6th mission of my new campaign. Have fun.

By TrAybars DFBHD SP 6,168 Downloads Added 01/28/2022 Updated 02/01/22 Watch video 1 Comment PermaLink

Mine Quake
Mine Quake
Location:Central African Republic - Bamara(Ubangi River)
Country Dateecember 1, 1958

Situation:Humans are enslavement and tortured by Christian and Islam groups because country has rich mineral deposit.Common goal of the groups to exploit mines they use to slaves to do this.Commanders sent a relief convoy of 9 vehicles but the bad guarellas got in the way this convoy.

Have Fun!!

By Seahawk DFBHDTS SP 6,040 Downloads Added 01/26/2022 Updated 07/25/23 Add Comment PermaLink

Convoy Escort (Remastered)
Eighth Mission in Campaign (Remastered):

A stranded US convoy which was declared missing for a week has radioed for an escort. Escort the convoy consisting two unarmed Humvees and a 5.5 ton truck. Be extremely cautious as the convoy has to be escorted through Magrucho Cartel territory and intel reports an enemy base nearby. Do not take the risk to capture the base. First escort the convoy safely and return to base for debriefing.

By By Dj DFBHD SP 6,321 Downloads Added 01/22/2022 Watch video 4 Comments PermaLink

#5 National Support
After a long time, enjoy the 5th mission of my campaign.

By nickk DFBHD DM 5,990 Downloads Added 01/17/2022 Add Comment PermaLink

Heli Port
Small sniper cqb map comments welcome...

By TrAybars DFBHD SP 6,391 Downloads Added 01/03/2022 Watch video 2 Comments PermaLink

Location:Sudan - Kassala

Situation:Pakistani soldiers are taking heavy fire by snipers ,
Commanders sent reinforcements in this area but enemies closed the road with trashes blow them then go to this area and rescue pakistani soldiers.

DifficultyVery Hard)
Maximum Saves Available7)

Happy New Year

By Creator DFBHDTS SP 6,466 Downloads Added 12/27/2021 Watch video 4 Comments PermaLink

Diminished Business
Diminished Business
Date: March 01, 2005 - 1840 hours
Location: Abàdàn, Iran.

An airfield under the control of traffickers and guerrillas allows the smuggling of many drugs from Iran to the US via private planes. SAS 2-1 and 3-1 teams will be sent to the target site to stop the illegal trade. Before reaching the airfield it is necessary to disable a radio station located in a village near it, to prevent the alarm from being given and enemy reinforcements arriving.

By Seahawk DFTFD SP 5,980 Downloads Added 12/15/2021 Updated 11/30/23 Add Comment PermaLink

Yeti Uprising
First mission in campaign:

A highly intelligent Yeti tribe in Ladakh, Bharat (India) is raiding villages and killing, mutilating, raping and eating humans. A Yeti captured by Ladakh Police has confessed that they have got hold of firearms and anti-tank weapons by allying with Pakistani Islamist group Hizbul Mujahideen. A village has been reported to be captured by those Yetis armed with different kinds of assault rifles like AKs, M24 sniper rifles, pistols, AT-4 recoilless guns and knives. They are even using pickup trucks as a mobile AT-4 platforms. Bharatiya Army is ordered to clear the yetis off the village, restore order and protect the village from any further attacks. Mi-24 and BRDM-2 support is on standby.

By jabo1SFH JOE TKOTH 6,161 Downloads Added 12/08/2021 Add Comment PermaLink
MOD Required: International Conflict

Meat Grinder IC
Another BHD conversion to JO:IC by jabo1SFH. 99% accurate. The infamous Meatgrinder map. Each team gets a vehicle and the Blackhawk does not move being assigned to neutral and the minis are unusable. I converted this a while back, but forgot to upload it, lol. ENJOY!!!