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Old 12-08-2007, 07:31 PM
Mauser 98K is offline Mauser 98K
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remember what i said about the US dollar being droped by other countries?its starting


Iran drops dollar from oil deals: report
Published: Saturday December 8, 2007

Major crude producer Iran has completely stopped carrying out its oil transactions in dollars, Oil Minister Gholam Hossein Nozari said on Saturday, labelling the greenback an "unreliable" currency.

"At the moment selling oil in dollars has been completely halted, in line with the policy of selling crude in non-dollar currencies," Nozari was quoted as saying by the ISNA news agency.

"The dollar is an unreliable currency, considering its devaluation and the oil exporters' losses," he added.

The world's fourth largest oil exporter, Iran has massively reduced its dependence on the dollar over the past year in the face of US pressures on its financial system.

The United States has successfully encouraged major European and Asian banks to cut their dealings with Iran in a bid to make the Islamic republic give way on its controversial nuclear programme.

Washington has also blacklisted major Iranian banks for alleged support of terrorism and seeking nuclear weapons, charges denied by Tehran.

Iran has reduced its assets in dollars held in foreign banks and urged OPEC to take collective action to price oil in other currencies such as the euro, instead of the US currency which is used across the world at present.

The fall of the dollar, which has weakened considerably against the euro and other currencies in the past 12 months, has affected the revenues of OPEC members because most of them price and sell their oil exports in the US currency.
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Old 12-08-2007, 08:00 PM
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i find this a joke it only Iran who like to support terrorist crap to start with and they only hitting back at the US for going after them.

big deal one side again
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Old 12-08-2007, 08:57 PM
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im not gona try to make you belive it, belive what you want, but any1can see, that all of these other countries about 7 the last i heard are talking about droping the dollar.

any1 who knows how our money works knows that its value depends on these other countries wanting to accept it , and being it is not backed up by anything anymore when demand for the dollar goes down the value drops when the value drops it takes more and more for the same items and other countries will follow suit making its value drop even more and the cycle continues, pluss we also get oil from iran witch means oil prices for us will go up, and as oil goes up gas prices go up, as gas prices rise more and more people will stop buying as much making the economy decline and as the economy declines the dollar also declines and the price of things will also go up making it take more and more for items driving more and more people stop buying as much meaning that that cycle continues, dont they teach linear thought anymore?

our economy and curency depends on these other countries wanting to trade with us and wanting to accept our currency.

and id much rather be freking one sided on something that to be to dam scared to take a side.

i have no use for some1 who wont take a side on something and definatly have no use for some1 who isnt willing to warn his fellow man of pending danger.. not only do i belive in self education i also belive in furthuring others education rather that hiding from everything and letting the murderious bastards in power run all over my fellow countryman.

ive picked my camp and im sticking with it, it is the camp that still belives in saving this great nation and that it can be saved, and im proud to have chosen this camp.

pick a side or run back to the spiders.

###&% why am i arguing with you, you said it was bs and it would never happen on 1 of my other post, well look , it happened, and will happen again.

Last edited by Mauser 98K; 12-08-2007 at 09:09 PM.
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Old 12-08-2007, 10:22 PM
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bottom line who care there no then you or me can say to make them not to change over it the people or leader of these country if they like to do it going to happen anyways, so be it

there are companys already changing over the euro dollare anyways, online site will find they be changing people in euro dollare as will us-dollare count were you live and place a order for the item.

US-Dollare been around for over 200yrs now! it had many face left many time over, if they like to go for something new they are more then welcome to go for it.
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Old 12-09-2007, 06:19 PM
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the us dollar has been around for a little over 200yrs but the FRN federal reserve note has only been around for 90 something years and was done with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and there was a big grab of gold and silver by the government at the time, they even went as far as raiding peoples safty deposit boxes and stealing gold and silver out of them.

but theres that attitude theres nothing we can do or say to stop the decline in our currency.

do you think that the constitution and bill of rights would have been written and signed if our founding fathers had the idea and said to themselves there is nothing we can do it is hopeless?

do you think we would have won our independence from england if they decided to submit and had the idea it is futile to resist you will be absorbed.

this it cant be done it cant be changed and we cant do anything about it is the number one cause of the downfalls of countries and has enslaved more people than you can count in stars in the sky, the only way anything gets done is with a can do attitude and if we stick together, why do you think the reason for all these disarmement bills is for, you see the government is scared of the people as a whole and an armed people being nessisary for the security of the nation and they are also scared that we might see them for the buggers that they are and want to take our country back so they have to as the romans said during the total enslavement of its populis, DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

and why do you think they keep us devided for, the way i see it there is no races, every1 is equil, but the spiders like sharkton and jakson come up with this african american or asian american or mexican american to sugest diffence and the idea that we are all diffrent makes some of the ignorant think they are better than others and it keeps every1 down each others throats and keeps the nation devided, sharpton and jackson are pupets of the ACLU and other alphabet soup groups whos sole purpose is to keep every devided.

you are ither american, mexican, or african, if you live in the US and are a citizen you are an American, if you are born and raised in mexico you are a mexican, and the same with africa, as long as we all see ourselves as being diffrent in this great nation we will stay devided and under the controll of the socialist who are counting on this for distraction and devidation.

this country was founded on a united people and a can do attitude, a cant do attitude will shurly destroy you and your country.
you know how you stop this , for 1 you vote for the person that will make the greatest effort to enshure this great nations survival, and 2 you use a currency that is backed up by presious metals.

and these people that are doing this crap strongly belive that they will be spared the big dirt nap when everything is said and done, have you ever heard of they eat their young?

after every thing is done by the spiders the ones who know where the bodies are burried and what has transpired will be taken out, my favorite example is when the communist took over and killed the zar of russia, they sent another group in after the ones who killed the zar and his family and after they shot those thay sent in another group and shot those people and after everything was over no1 had any clue as to why they was killing these people except only they was told that they was bad communist..

a devided people are more easily controlled than a united people and that is a fact that is as old as rome, and that is a reason for the sports being pushed so much, it isnt just for distraction it is to keep every1 devided thru teams , if ya dont belive me say roll tide in a auburn crowd and see what happens, or walk down certain parts of town with a specific jersy on they will about stomp you to death.

look at a map of ancient rome and look at a map of the US and tell me what ya se that is the same, ya know what it is? all of these stadiums and amplitheaters and other formas of distraction or as they called them, blood sports, or circus maximus.

you have to read this, it is about the last days of rome it talksmostly about the games played but still has a lot of info. and if you read this you will see some things happening now in the 1st chapter.















Last edited by Mauser 98K; 12-09-2007 at 08:16 PM.
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Old 12-09-2007, 07:54 PM
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was this not about other country's dropping the US-Dollars, again with the US-Anti government.

i saying there is no then we can do force other country to use the US-Dollars

face the fact we the US-America people lost everything & the dollars will keep going down for many reason. bottom line (big wig) freaks in Washington DC give it away job. stock and business to other country then any new MFG or Company's starts up or is running they coming up with new ways to tax the liven hell out of them as will any home owners as will.

its already too late, we all already been sold-out all party's R or D or any other partys all sold us out! "we been sold out they taken money big time to look the other way or ok item not doing us any good.

this is really sad fact and it was pass into law! will never change reason no one know about it! why may you ask it was behind close doors.

whinning about the government doing thing to help us! will not help to get it change if it already to late to do anything about it.

higher up get paid off to ok thing (bills) it been pass into history.

keep crying about it will not make a change after the fact.

bottom line other countrys can do as they please, they can even get into the U.K Pound money if they like its 4x better then the US-Dollar is
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Last edited by Hellfighter; 12-09-2007 at 08:29 PM.
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Old 12-09-2007, 08:19 PM
DevilDog#1 is offline DevilDog#1

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We have to mend our ways or we'll be in deep deep deep feces.

If I don't do that doesn't mean I can't - DD#1
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Old 12-09-2007, 09:36 PM
Mauser 98K is offline Mauser 98K
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IT IS NOT TO LATE WILLIAM, just because you have given up doesnt mean im ready to lay in a hole and die.

where is the anti us government crap you keep speaking of in my post? where ? i dont see anything in the post above that is anti US government, im not talking about government im talking about individuals that happen to be in our government, im not anti government, im not preaching overthrow any1 or any thing, i just dont want to live under the rule of a dictator and i dont want you to live under the rule of one ither or any1 else for that matter.

why is it everytime we are talking about things that you belive in and want to talk about it is automaticly ok, but if something intrudes into that little bubble of yours and doesnt go along with what they have forced into your head it is automaticly one sided , wrong, and anti government? i want to know why you always downplay anything that sugests educating people and helping this country be more independent, why are you so dam hopeless? why have you given up?

i didnt say that other countries couldnt do whatever they wanted did i? nor did i sugest that we should force them to take our curency.

i was stating a freking fact that aparently a feeble mind couldnt grasp that our country can still be saved if but only if we get together and change our curency to real money not fiat, change our leaders (by voting, not overthrowing) and stop being dependent on these other countries for all of our items.

i mean what does these other countries have that we cant make here? huh? what happened to the people i grew up hearing about that dared to do great things that made this country a big industrial nation that was self supporting and didnt need any help from outside nations? where every1 could defend themselves without being jailed, where people could be secure without the fear of a tyrant stealing what they worked so hard for, where if you didnt work you didnt eat becaue there was no politician there to take from the haves and give to you, is that way of life and thinking really dead? if it is then this country is already gone.

it is just so dang irratating every time the evidence is right there in front of some people they open up and prove that they are indeed ignorant and have no clue as to what they are actualy reading and dont know anything about what is going on and no ammount of evidence can ever change their mind, because it takes a certain ammount of knowledge to understand that you dont know as much as you think you do, and untill you reach that certain level of knowledge you will continue to belive that you are alway right and every1 else is always wrong.

this idea that its ok, we cant do anything abot it but my warm fuzzy government will help me, they are there for my protection and future will kill you, becauce when the ship starts sinking the rats will flea the ship and you will be on your own.

do you know that most government officials that you love and worship and rely on and most of these celeberties like strisand to name 1 and a few others have retreats in other countries and outside bank accounts not done in US dollars to sustain them in the event of a big economic downfall? did you know that, pluss that place dug into the mountains back in the 40s and 50s that can house all of the VIPs and the president and other members of congress in the event of a big attack, what have they prepaired for the citizenry besides more laws and problems than i care to count?
all they have prepaired for the people is more policeing forces such as the FBI,ATF,NSA,NAO,DHS,FEMA, and a whole bunch others that will be used as policing forces after they create a emergency situation, and a emergency is comeing too, belive me it is comeing.

did you know about 78% of our products are imported?, hell even my underpants were made in Egypt, what do you think is going to happen to the US when they stop using the dollar and we cant buy anything from outside the country? and being they killed the industry in this country what do you think will happen?

do you think that life will go on as it has and your government official will bail you out?

want to see something scary, look in your local papers in the classified ads section and tell me how much farm equipment is being sold, the price of imports are so low that the farmer cant compeat with it, pluss ya got the rising cost of fuel and other factors and farmers are going out of buisness.

if the dollar is droped, it will decline in value sharply, when this happens the price of things will skyrocket and send the economy into a nosedive, when this happens , (well i know you have seen this when every1 thinks there is danger on the horizon) people flock to the stores and clean the shelvs off, and with most of our stuff being imported and other countries not accepting the dollar anymore there will be nothing comeing in to restock those shelves, and when the unprepaired people finish those things they bought for the pending danger, (remember it is usually 1 week supply they buy), they will be looking for more, and when they cant find any there will be a pannic, there will be rioting in the streets.

so much of a rukus will be causes from this that the wonderful spiders in the government that every1 belives is there to help them will step in and declair a national emergency, suspending the constitution and bill of rights and giving the dictator emergency rule.

i know you remember the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive that grants the president absolute controll over the emergency forces deployed in such an emergency i told you about in a diffent post, it overrules congress and makes the president the sole controller of the DHS and other alphabet soup agencys meaning he bypasses congress, there are also other executive orders signed that i dont even know that are classified that will probably be enacted during an emergency.

even thoe i know all these things, i still have hope for this country and belive it can be saved if we act now and stop saying it is hopeless.

Last edited by Mauser 98K; 12-09-2007 at 09:43 PM.
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Old 12-09-2007, 10:27 PM
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we are in the hole for trillion's of dollars! how do you think we can dig out that hole.

the US-Dollars is no wreath anything at all, even if it was base on gold! we don't have that type of amount of gold/money to pay off other holding country's off.

a man word is only good as it keep in faith to the point, you can't make payment it not wreath anything it's less then it was before.

we soo deep into the black its not funny.
we can thank all the freaky leader for doing this to this country. all of them totally they all share the blame for it.

it would be a smart man to get into something that is 100% better then a piece of trash dollar bills go

a good man know how to handle their bank account if they stay even or save money in it they are wreath a lot or keep their word, but if they bounce check and go into hole (black) way deep and can't pay up on their loans they look bad and their word is less if not to be trusted at all. the US-Dollar is in this shape.

fact is the US-Dollar is crap to start with.

a blind man know how to handle money better! then this country great leader can you check any of their bank accounts they don't know how to handle money at all, most are in the hole way deep. you think they know how to make the us-dollar better, nope they trash it even more
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Old 12-09-2007, 10:49 PM
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ill tell you exactly how we could get out of the debt situation, develope a new currency that is based on something, we got enough stuff like copper and other metals to make another currency that is worth its value of the metal used, and b4 our currency goes tango uniform we could buy up as much precious metals as possable to make this new currency out of.

ither make a new currency or use 1 that is already out there that is worth it face value.

we could start producing more domestic items stop importing as much and use the profits to pay off the debts, it isnt rocket science.

ya lower the taxes on buisnesses, it was stupid to tax them to death to begin with, and allow them to keep more profits and more buisnesses will pop up, and with lesser taxes your tax intake will go up with more buisness and less tax, and get rid of the dam buisness licens thing where ya have to buy a license to have a buisness, many dont want a buisness just because of that.

and get rid of NAFTA, that is a economy killer there.

and kick out all the unions, they used to be there for the people but have grown money hungry and bleed buisness dry, with most unions ya fire some1 who isnt doing anything and goofs off then the whole force strikes, any1 who has worked in the mines will see this, people sleeping 1 shift and working another and getting paid for both.

you know how much money could be made if we started drilling in alaska for oil? millions if not billions, thattl help if we sold that, it would also help our gas prices.

Last edited by Mauser 98K; 12-09-2007 at 11:14 PM.
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Old 12-09-2007, 11:41 PM
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will i was thinking pull all the arm force around the world back to the U.S for good, out of Europe and Asian country we no longer needed over there its a new age and war it no longer going on. we are wasting money having them over sea's. only maybe hot spots we keep them like Korea DMZ think thats more of a joke. cost losses we can use that money for other things then waste in a none hot spots.

Germany, U.K and other location around the world like Japan we are not needed anymore cold war and WWI & WWII is long dead.

leave the rest of the world to their own deeds, really think it time the U.S stop babying the world and close these base's over sea's down.
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Old 12-10-2007, 12:27 AM
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The problem with that Mauser is that the US dosent have anything that it has significant stakes in the world market. Back in the days of the Bretton Woods system gold and silver was enough because the US had largely tied up the market, but that dosent work anymore and the US just isnt in the position to buy up enough to underwrite a new currency.

For the US to create a currency, and retain any sort of viable position in the international system, it has to build it on something it can control, I cant think of anything that would work as the prices of that commodity are influenced by everyone else.

Google hegemonic stability theory
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Old 12-10-2007, 07:48 AM
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Mauser and William, i don't know if you guys know this or not, but, if the US wasn't in debt we would not get income tax at the end of the year and our tax money would not be used for anything except for saving money for the US...


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Old 12-10-2007, 02:32 PM
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yup mike i know,, thats why i also said ither make 1 or use one that is already out there that is working, and in the mean time try to figure out a way to create 1 that will be stable.

and thats right william, we are outflowing mony like crazy to keep our soldiers in these other countries, it is like the roman empires last days when it had all its sticks scattered to the wind, that and other things bleed the country to death.

i can see why we went into afganistan, but we need to pull out of kosovo, yup we still have people there, and we havem in hati, in germany, in sadi arabia, and africa, we have got atleast 3\4 of our armed forced deployed all over creation.

but you was correct on the currency we use now being crapola, that much is very true, but the country i think and hope can be turned around, if we get the right people in the right places.
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Old 12-10-2007, 03:20 PM
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having the biggist Arm Force in the world come with a heavy over head as will.

personnally i think we can use them state side covering the borders south and north like in the old days.

Taxes 3 Div 3base's (South)
Cailif 2-Divs 2base(south)
Azona 2-3 Div 2basic
Florida 3-div

northern USA each state get 2-3 Div

troop get to see all parts of the USA and spend thier money to have fun big time, like seeing Yellowstone National park and citys around the USA.
there are many places that gone dead no one come by to check them out, they can go places to digup Dimonds, gold like in the old days were they can have fun doing it. see wild life and party in big citys.

this would boost money flow in the USA 50 states most of us never seen thing in these states all we seen in over sea life style but state side there is so much in life here too
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