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Old 03-18-2006, 01:49 PM
Kandi is offline Kandi
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What is the law??

My friend and I are discussing laws the other day. In our conversation we realized we didnt know much about laws in other countries. We were wanting to know what kind of laws exist in other places than us and canada. Our laws are far too easy to find and we are all familiar with those. We are looking to find out other countries laws. For example what are the gun laws in australia, the driving laws in england etc. Any ideas let me know.

Originally posted by Scott
The only thing that is my fault is me not having any faults.
My english teacher wanted to flunk me in junior high. Thanks a lot, next semester I'll be 35.
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Old 03-18-2006, 02:04 PM
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Old 03-18-2006, 02:47 PM
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Old 03-18-2006, 02:51 PM
Kandi is offline Kandi
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google would be wonderful but most sites on the internet including this one(on most computers) at work are "surf controlled" and we cannot access them. And do you have any idea how many laws and countrys there are? no no google will not do. Besides its a curiousity thing not a need to know thing.

Originally posted by Scott
The only thing that is my fault is me not having any faults.
My english teacher wanted to flunk me in junior high. Thanks a lot, next semester I'll be 35.
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Old 03-18-2006, 04:48 PM
DogSoldier~MLK~ is offline DogSoldier~MLK~
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Here is the UK driving laws


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Old 03-18-2006, 04:54 PM
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In Athens, Greece, a driver's license can be lifted by the law if the driver is deemed either 'poorly dressed' or 'unbathed'.

On the island of Jersey it's against the law for a man to knit during the fishing season.

In Alabama it is illegal to carry a comb in your pocket, because it may be used as a weapon. This comes after a 13 year old boy was killed when he was stabbed with a comb.

In Michigan, it is illegal to chain an alligator to a fire hydrant.

It is against the law to whale hunt in Oklahoma.

In Fairbanks, Alaska it is illegal for a moose to walk on the side walk. This dates back to the early days if the town when the owner of the bar had a pet moose that he used to get drunk. The moose would then stumble around the town drunk. The only way the law makers could prevent this from happining was to create the law so the moose could not cross the sidewalk and get into the bar.

In Quebec, Canada, an old law states that margarine must be a different colour from butter. This law is the result of Quebec dairy lobbyists' pressure to ''protect'' their dairy business. They claimed margarine was beginning to resemble butter, as to be mistaken for real butter. Make margarine unattractive, and consumers would stick to butter. The Quebec government caved in, and tried to impose a dark vermilion-coloured margarine, which was disgusting. The colour, finally, at the other extreme, is a pallid almost-white-colourless margarine.

According to a british law passed in 1845, attempting to commit suicide was a capital offense. Offenders could be hanged for trying.

It is illegal to sell an ET doll in France. They have a law forbidding the sale of dolls that do not have human faces.
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Old 03-18-2006, 04:55 PM
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* Many countries, from Egypt to Cuba, forbid taking photographs, or using binoculars near military or government installations. Penalties can include jail sentences.

* In Turkey it is an offence to insult the Turkish nation or the national flag, or to deface or tear up the national currency.

* In Thailand, images of Buddha are sacred.

* It is illegal to make rude gestures or swear in public in Bahrain, the UAE (United Arab Emirates) and Kenya. You could face a severe fine.

* Nude bathing is illegal in India, even in holiday resorts such as Goa. Topless sunbathing is illegal on most beaches in Florida.

* In Singapore smoking in public buildings, littering, jaywalking, spitting, feeding birds in public places, chewing gum on the local transport system, and failing to flush public lavatories are civic crimes and attract instant fines.

* In the UAE it is a criminal offence to eat, drink or smoke in public during Ramadan from sunrise to sunset.

* The penalty for entering or bathing in a fountain in Italy is a heavy fine.

* It is illegal to import pork products into Yemen, with a maximum punishment of death.

* Unlike the UK, the plant Quat (Khat) is illegal in the USA. Visitors attempting to take this plant into the USA could be arrested and face imprisonment.
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Old 03-18-2006, 04:56 PM
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sry some more

Even Ireland has some weird laws!:


It is illegal for a student to walk through Trinity College without a sword.

In Trinity college students can demand a glass of wine at any time during an exam, provided they are wearing their sword.

It is illegal to smoke any form of tobacco on Grafton St. in Dublin

Practicing or pretending to practice any form of witchcraft or occult arts (that includes horoscopes, tarot cards, crystal ball reading, palmistry, reading tea leaves, iridology, divination etc). This also includes healing by occult means (that would include Reki, energy balancing, acupuncture or acupressure, yoga and many other new age pseudo scientific methods which have their roots in eastern religions) is punishable by being locked in the stocks of outside of Dublin Castle (roughly around the Temple Bar area) for 6 months and rotten fruit can be pelted at the culprit. (anyone want to rat out fabulous Fergus or the operators on the tarot line who's advert is shown on TV all the time!)

England has some pretty dangerous laws too!


· With the exception of carrots, most goods may not be sold on Sunday.

· All English males over the age 14 are to carry out 2 or so hours of longbow practice a week supervised by the local clergy.

· London Hackney Carriages (taxis/cabs) must carry a bale of hay and a sack of oats.

· It is illegal to be drunk on Licensed Premises (in a pub or bar).

· It is illegal for two adult men to have sex in the same house as a third person.

· A Chelsea Pensioner may not be impersonated.

· A bed may not be hung out of a window.

· It is illegal for a lady to eat chocolates on a public conveyance.

· Mince pies are not to be eaten on Christmas Day.

· Any boy under the age of 10 may not see a naked mannequin.

· It is illegal to leave baggage unattended.

· Picking up abandoned baggage is an act of terrorism.

· It is illegal for a Member of Parliament to enter the House of Commons wearing a full suit of armour.

· If a steam locomotive is driven on roads, a man must walk in front of the vehicle with a red flag during the day and a red lantern at night to warn passers-by.

· All steam locomotives are limited to 4mph on roads.

· You may not make out in public.

· It is legal for a male to urinate in public, as long it is on the rear wheel of his motor vehicle and his right hand is on the vehicle.

· Committing suicide is classified as a capital crime.

· Interfering with the mail or sleeping with the consort of the Queen is classed as treason, and as such, carries a maximum penalty of death.

· Placing a postage stamp that bears the Queen (or King) upside down is considered treason.

. Freemen (or women) of the city of London (Those who have had the honour of the freedom of the city bestowed upon them) have the right to heard their cattle over any of London's bridges at any time)


· You can only shoot a Welsh person with a bow and arrow inside the city walls and after midnight.


· You may not shoot a Welsh person on Sunday with a longbow in the Cathedral Close.


· It is illegal for a woman to be topless in public except as a clerk in a tropical fish store, or in a bank if handling foreign currency.


· Companies may vote in local elections.


· Excluding Sundays, it is perfectly legal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow and arrow



You may not fish on Sundays.

It is illegal to be a drunk in possession of a cow.

Trespassing on someone else's land is legal.

You are presumed guilty until proven innocent for some crimes.

If someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter.



· A life sentence is 200 years.

· Children may not purchase cigarettes, condoms or alcohol, but they may use them.

· You may never leave your car keys in the door of an unattended vehicle.

· It is illegal to roam the streets wearing black clothes, felt shoes and black shoe polish on your face as these items are the tools of a cat burglar.

· It is illegal to dress up as batman

· It is illegal to walk on the right hand side of a footpath.

· Under Australian Communications Authority (ACA) regulations, a modem can't pick up on the first ring. If it does the, ACA permit for your modem is invalid and there's a $12,000 fine. -Telecommunications Act 1991.

· Taxi cabs are required to carry a bale of hay in the trunk.

· Bars are required to stable, water and feed the horses of their patrons.

· The legal age for straight sex is 16, unless the person is in the care/custody of the older person, in which case it is 18.


· Only licensed electricians may change a light bulb. The fine for not abiding by this law is 10 pounds.

· It is illegal to wear hot pink pants after midday Sunday.

· You must have a neck to knee swimsuit in order to swim at Brighton Beach.


· Until the Port Arthur Killings it was legal to own an AK-47 but not legal to be gay



A driver who needs to turn through oncoming traffic has the right of way unless he slows down or stops.

In Antwerp it is illegal to wear a red hat and walk down the main street (Het Meyer)


· You may only have one child, or you will have to pay a fine.

· To go to college you must be intelligent.


· Drivers of power-driven vehicles who stop at pedestrian crossings are liable to a fine of up to five yen, or a warning. -Article 40 of the Beijing Traffic Laws.


· Before starting your car you are required to check lights, brakes, steering and honk your horn. Try that at 4:00am!) You also need to make a visual check to make sure there are no children underneath the car.

· If your vehicle stalls and you leave it on the side of the road, you must mark the vehicle with a red, reflecting triangle. This equipment is only mandatory when the car stalls, not at any other times, however.

· If a horse drawn carriage is trying to pass a car and the horse becomes uneasy, the owner of the car is required to pull over and if necessary, cover the car.

· Attempt to escape from prison is not illegal, however, if one he is caught he is required to serve out the remainder of his term.

· No one may start a car while someone is underneath the vehicle.

· Encrypting data files, owning, distributing etc. of encryption programs and creating such programs for any electronic medias is now against the law in Denmark due to fear for terrorists, left and right wing extremist, fundamentalists and distributors of illegal pornography.

· Headlights must be on whenever a vehicle is being operated in order to distinguish it from parked cars.

· When driving, you must have someone in front of your car with a flag to warn horse drawn carriages that a motorcar is coming.

· Any carport added to a building increases the value of the building by 15.5 times the cost of building the addition.

· There is a penalty of 20kr for not reporting when a person has died.


· Between the hours of 8AM and 8PM, 70% of music on the radio must be by French artists.

· It is illegal to kiss on railways in France.

· No pig may be addressed as Napoleon by its owner.


· It is illegal to take photos of police officers or police vehicles, even if they are just in the background


· Every office must have a view of the sky, however small.

· It is illegal to wear a mask.

· A pillow can be considered a "passive" weapon.


· Bicycles may not ridden without a license.

· Raising a pig on Israeli soil will result in the murder of said pig.

· Picking your nose on Saturday is forbidden.

· If you have been maintaining an illegal radio station for five or more years, the station becomes legal.

· It is illegal for a chicken to lay an egg on a Friday or Saturday


· It is against the law to feed animals in public places.

· It is considered an offence to operate a mobile spay/neuter clinic - it is considered peddling.


· It is forbidden to bring bears to the beach.

Kiriat Motzkin

· No loud voices or big lights are allowed during weekends.


· The raising of Rotweiler dogs is prohibited.



It is illegal to practice the profession of being a fraud.

A man may be arrested for wearing a skirt.

Striking someone with a fist is considered a felony

Pinching a girl's bottom is not illegal



There is no age of consent



· Women who work for the government of the city of Guadalajara, may not wear miniskirts or any other "provocative" garment during office hours.

· It is illegal to shout offensive words in any public place.


· Any kind of nude artistic display is illegal.



Anyone in company with someone who possesses narcotics, even if they are unaware that their companion has them, can be tried for the same crime.

It is legal to smoke pot, buy it, or have less than 5 grams with you.

Prostitution is legal but the prostitutes must pay taxes like any other business.



You may not spay your female dog or cat. However, you may neuter the males of the species

Saudi Arabia:


It is illegal to kiss a stranger.

A woman may not drive a car.

It is considered an offence if a woman appears in public, unless accompanied by a male relative or guardian

It is illegal to engage in any religious practice other than Islam.

Male doctors may not examine women, and women doctors cannot examine men.

Women may not become doctors.

It is illegal to import any books featuring Christian symbols such as a cross.

From Jiddah to Riyadh there are two highways: one for Muslims, another for "infidels". If a Muslim is accompanied by an "infidel", both are required to use the highway for infidels.


· Chewing bubblegum (or any food) on the subway (the M.R.T.) may result in fines and/or jail time.

· The sale of bubblegum is prohibited.

· Homosexuals are not allowed to live in the country.

· Oral sex is illegal unless it is used as a form of foreplay.

· Pornography is illegal.

· As it is considered pornographic, you may not walk around your home nude.

· Failure to flush a public toilet after use may result in very hefty fines.

· It is considered an offence to enter the country with cigarettes.

· Cigarettes are illegal at all public places.

· It is illegal to come within 50 meters of a pedestrian crossing the street.

· If you are convicted of littering three times, you will have to clean the streets on Sundays with a bib on saying,” I am a litterer." This will then be broadcasted on the local news.

· It is illegal to pee in an elevator.

· It is illegal to carry a Bible or to talk to someone about Jesus. (and I went to a Theological seminary to study pastoral counselling and teach the Bible there too!)



Traffic police are required to report all bribes that they receive from motorists.

All dogs sold for consumption (eating) must have a government approved tattoo

The eating of stray cats is illegal.


· Clothes may not be hung to dry on Sunday.

· You may not wash your car on a Sunday.

· It is considered an offence to mow your lawn on a Sunday, because it causes too much noise.

· It is illegal to flush the toilet after 10 P.M. if you live in an apartment.

· A man may not relieve himself while standing up, after 10 P.M.

· Though it is illegal to produce, store, sell and trade absinth (special alcohol), it is legal to consume it.

· It is required that every car with snow tires has to have a sticker on its dashboard which tells that the driver should not drive faster than 160 km/h with these tires.

· The highest speed allowed on national freeways is 120 km/h.

· If you forget you car-keys inside the car and you leave the car open, you will be punished.


· It is illegal to leave your house if you are not wearing underwear.

· You must wear a shirt while driving a car.

· You must pay a fine of $600 in Thailand if you're caught throwing away chewed bubble gum on the sidewalk. If you do not pay the fine, you are jailed.

· No one may step on any of the nation's currency.
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Old 03-18-2006, 05:49 PM
Scott is offline Scott
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you cant get to google from work?

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Old 03-18-2006, 06:07 PM
Lakie is offline Lakie

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Gun Laws in Australia.

First off guns are not banned in australia!

Gun licensing is a state issue, most laws are similar but will vary from state to state mostly they go along the lines of if you have a legit purpose you can own guns, to own a gun you HAVE to have a license, afaik no such thing as concealed carry permits (because you shouldnt be carrying around a gun like that unless your security) guns must be kept in a safe and all those typical provisions..

Although if you google gun control laws australia or something id forgive you for thinking that noone in australia even knows what a gun is and that guns are totally banned australia wide, sorry NRA, thats just not how it is...
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Old 03-19-2006, 04:38 AM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

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You're not allowed to carry arms (not even a pen knife) on public property in Sweden unless you have a licence that specificly say that you can, such as military, hunting licence or police

If you arnt by the bus that will take you to the military tests there will be a police car waiting outside your home to take you to jail, then you get a second chance to report to the next tests, if you dont you will be in for up to two years then you will be put in the reservs i think

And you will be convicted of drunk driving at 0.2 PPM and have a fine, jail or your licence revoked

Oh and like Australia, guns are not "banned" they are just monitored, i can have a gun for hunting if i just get a hunting licence, which is like a driverslicence here in Sweden, written and pratcial test

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Old 03-19-2006, 09:56 AM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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in the USA there a state (southern states) don't remember what one it is, but it says you can't marry your sister unless she the only one in 100 Mile area of you! that you can only find then you can marry her only then.

came across it looking up some crazy laws that were still in the books. think it was in the 1800s to the 1900s. never been remove still in the state law books active.

personally i think if a man wish to marry more then one women! by god he better be loaded with money to do so. talk about getting taken to the cleaner more ways then one. lol

one is all it really take to bankroll one guy, two your dead broken then no more life style at all. any more wifes your a goner
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Last edited by Hellfighter; 03-19-2006 at 10:02 AM.
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Old 03-19-2006, 10:12 AM
-Tigger- is offline -Tigger-

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It is illegal for a student to walk through Trinity College without a sword.

In Trinity college students can demand a glass of wine at any time during an exam, provided they are wearing their sword.
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Old 03-19-2006, 08:21 PM
Lakie is offline Lakie

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And you will be convicted of drunk driving at 0.2 PPM and have a fine, jail or your licence revoked
You mean .02 or do you have very liberal laws in this area?

Here if you blow .05 you are fined and have significant demerit points, if you blow .08 or over then you loose your license on the spot (for 6-12m iirc) (literally, the poilce wont allow you to park your car off to te side of the road, they offer to do it for you)

Last edited by Lakie; 05-30-2016 at 02:26 AM.
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Old 03-20-2006, 10:05 AM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

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Opps my bad lmao

I ment 0.02 ppm

Thank you mike

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Old 03-20-2006, 01:35 PM
BOne is offline BOne
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It is against the law to whale hunt in Oklahoma.
so true ...

it is also against the law in oklahoma to "park your lawn mower on an unapproved parking surface"

Many countries, from Egypt to Cuba, forbid taking photographs, or using binoculars near military or government installations. Penalties can include jail sentences.
true again..

i live 6 blockes from a military installation right outside one of the main gates..http://www.cityof.lawton.ok.us/ / http://sill-www.army.mil/
and the military police can be quite harsh they fall under federal law which means the basically
outrank local police .. if you get caught "SPYING" onto the base .. they may make you disappear

J/K but you goto a federal holding cell on the base if they suspect something and trust me .. you dont want to sit in a federal holding cell ...((its not plush to say the least))
and sometimes soldiers back up traffic
almost all the way through town because every car must be searched before going onto and off of the installation ..trust me you dont wanna play with your uncle sam that ba$tid is sick with the game lol
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Old 03-20-2006, 02:37 PM
Kandi is offline Kandi
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lol thanks guys. We can get to google at work but we cant go to any pages as they are all blocked so there isnt much point in having google is there?

Originally posted by Scott
The only thing that is my fault is me not having any faults.
My english teacher wanted to flunk me in junior high. Thanks a lot, next semester I'll be 35.
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