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Old 11-06-2005, 06:20 PM
navysea| is offline navysea|
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New pc so i need some help

Alright Im thinking about a new pc mainly cuz sony blocks some things like system32 folder etc... but mainly i just need to update pc
so here it is

this pc is going to be for both gaming and school work so I need some advice too

OK so here is what im going for so far:


Processor: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16819103497
(ill use the heatsink that comes with it if one does if not i guess ill have to get one and depends if the one that comes with it is up to snuff)

This 7800gtx:

Memory 2gb:

Harddirves x2:

This Powersupply:

Anything i forgot?

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Old 11-06-2005, 06:55 PM
Jeff is offline Jeff
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looks nice, i would comment more but i have no clue about specifics.
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Old 11-06-2005, 07:53 PM
Scott is offline Scott
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I would change a few things, like your IDE hd's, you have a SATA enabled board. So get some SATA drives as IDE is going to be obsolete in a couple years. It's much easier and cleaner to install then IDE also. You can also have upto 4 SATA hd's in one computer, IDE you can only really have 2. SATA is also a bit faster then IDE.

I also would not go any bigger then 250GB per hd as alot of people seem to start having corruption/data loss problems when they go bigger due to the hard drive failing. Read around a bit on that if your not sure.. Better safe then sorry.

Processor, I have a single core 4000+ and a X2 4400+, trust me, if you can get it, go for dual core.

This one is about $150 more then the 4000+, it's what I have and I have mine clocked to the 4800+ specs on the stock fan running at 40c under full load (which is great). It's still just as fast as my 4000+ without any over clocking, except I get 2 cores (just like having 2 cpu's..)

If you don't have the extra $150, then you can get a X2 3800+ or an X2 4200+. You will love what dual core can do.

FYI, on newegg.com, if the cpu sais retail at the end and not OEM, then a fan comes with it.

Then the PS.. I would not personally trust a PS that has 550W for $50. Sounds a little cheap and alot of problems can arise from a powerless PS. I stick with antec in every power computer I use.. Here's a good one for not much more:

And for the motherboard.. I had lots of problems with 2 asus boards in the past.. and reading some of the reviews on the site it seems there are quite a few people with problems. I personally like abit, since I've owned around 5 and they all work flawless. I bought this one a few days ago and I couldn't be happier..

SLI version if that's what your really going for,

Just my personal preferences and my experiences..

04' Dodge SRT-4, Mopar Stage 3, 406whp/436wtq
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Old 11-06-2005, 07:54 PM
Scott is offline Scott
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you forgot cd/dvd rom drive.. if you don't already have one

04' Dodge SRT-4, Mopar Stage 3, 406whp/436wtq
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Old 11-06-2005, 08:16 PM
navysea| is offline navysea|
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o wow i didnt even realize that that wasnt a SATA harddrive i saw ATA and thought it had an S lol ok thx a bunch panther and yea powersupply good idea i was just looking at Watts it puts out not price and 50 bucks kinda does sound cheap.. and about the cd/dvd drive im just going to get something that works i dont think those really take a huge part in computers do they?

ok so here i revised it:

REVISED Motherboard(panther your right ive always heard good things about ABIT!)

REVISED Processor:
an AMD x2 64 antholon not sure on which one yet deciding wheather to spend the extra 150 for

This 7800gtx:

Memory 2gb:

REVISED Harddirves x2:

REVISED Powersupply:

And also for sound card im just using the built in one on the motherboard

So yea also this is my first time building a system from scratch so if someone could give me a guide on how to do it that would be great (guide on what to plug in and when etc.)
I know alot about the inside of pcs and where everything plugs in but i just dont want to fry the graphics card or something stupid like that

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Old 11-06-2005, 08:53 PM
Scott is offline Scott
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Not only have abit's been very stable for me, but they have also been extremly easy to install. They usually boot up for me the first time without any problems. Now all you gotta do is get rid of that nvidia card hehe j.k..

Here's my mini tut.. It's not very hard at all. But your right, doing something wrong can be fatal.. Sorry if it sounds n00bish.. This is just what I do when I build one myself.

First would be to open the case and install the PS..

Then get out the motherboard and install the CPU & fan onto the motherboard as it can be a pain if you put the motherboard in first since the fan on the 64/X2 is pretty big.. Careful not to touch the pins or the core of the cpu (because of oil/lint on your fingers), and also the bottom of the heatsink with your fingers. Do not take of the gunk that is on the heatsink, that's there to fill in cracks and spread the heat better. I cannot explain how to install the fan as it is a bi*** to install, so read the AMD manual. I can say that you have to press hard to get the 2 clips in the socket, and also the plastic handle thingy needs to be clipped in, you'll feel like your going to break it but you won't. The heatsink should hardly move with pressure if it's installed correctly.

Make sure, as in, DO NOT FORGET to plug in the CPU fan cable into the motherboard. That abit ultra freaks out big-time. I have that same abit mb, and I forgot the plug in the cpu fan.. It sounded like there were 12 cop cars coming into my apartment, with lights flashing and all.

Install the motherboard into the case..

Mount the hard drives and cd'roms

Install the ram making sure it is all the way in the socket, press firm, but remember the mb is only made of sand.

Install the graphics card just like the ram in the only slot it will fit into.

The abit also comes with a 7.1 sound card that needs to be installed.. You'll figure it out when you see that.

Now without the PC connected into the wall hook up all the power cables. Your motherboard will need 2, and your graphics will need one. Hook up the CD-Roms and HD's like normal.. SATA is pretty easy to figure out. Read the abit manual if you need help.

Things that should be hooked up before you continue:

Power cables going to the CDROM's and HD's. IDE cable hooked upto the CDROM. SATA cables hooked up for HD's. 2 Power connectors into the mother board. One power connector into the Grahpics card. And your CPU fan is hooked into the right spot on the mother board. It is the only part on the mother board that sais CPU FAN1. Any case fans hooked up.

Now that you checked it 3 times already making sure everything is hooked up (yes?) hook up your monitor, keyboard etc etc and plug the computer into the wall.

Keep your hand on the power cord to rip it out if you see flashing lights or alot of hyper beeps. If you do, then make sure everything is hooked up again. Read manuals to figure out what the beeps mean. 1 beep = all good. Flashing + hyper-beeps means there cpu is not in there right or fan is not hooked up.

You may need to switch the PS to the os position on the back... It's fooled me a few times hehe..

Now when the computer is booting for the first time (1 beep = all good) keep pressing DELETE on your keyboard to go into the bios. Enter the uGuru menu, and then Temp monitoring (At the top). Monitor your CPU temps for about 2 minutes. They should be around (10c/40c). Anything above 80c is bad and you did not install the cpu/fan correctly.

If everyting looks ok.. Explore the bois a bit. You may also want to change your ram timings to get what you paid for since at stock the ram timing is not set to what the ram is supposed to run at. Although it's not completely necessary. I don't have the menu off the top of my head, but you should change your ram timings to "By SPD", and then CAS timing to 2.5. Change boot order so that CDROM is the first in the list and the next 2 day Hard Drive..

Being installing windows and enjoy ..

04' Dodge SRT-4, Mopar Stage 3, 406whp/436wtq
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Old 11-06-2005, 09:05 PM
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The 4400+ will be worth it. Any dual core will be. You'll see when you get it.. 2 things at once when normally you would have to wait untill one is finished. I got that same ram and could not be happier.. Although I want another 2gb.. I got mine for $200 at newegg tho.. It keeps going up i see..

cdrw/dvdrom I got this thing for my second computer: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16827200002

Works prefect.. Doesn't burn DVD's but it can at least read them which is good cause alot of games now days come on dvd's, and it's only $30. Silent and fast.

04' Dodge SRT-4, Mopar Stage 3, 406whp/436wtq
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Old 11-06-2005, 09:13 PM
navysea| is offline navysea|
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ahh panther your a life saver thx a bunch only thing i say is no getting rid of nvidia card u must be an ATI guy ehh? lol ur profile says it all thx again panther! when I get to the building part of this which should be sometime around november 18 (my b-day) ill start building it and ill take some pics for you all to see

and 2 more question so the way you can overclock anything is through the bios? im i right or wrong (i mean like ram, processor, etc) And also Say i want more fans in my case to provide more air flow but say the MB only supports a front, back, and heatsink. I heard there was a way to hook the fans into the power supply or is there a cable that i can plug 2 fans into one slot that type of thing. you have any idea on this?

Last edited by navysea|; 11-06-2005 at 09:20 PM.
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Old 11-06-2005, 10:01 PM
Rampage. is offline Rampage.

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yea i would stick with nvida, i dont have a good past with ATi's, they heat up much faster, but the 7800 is a real nice one

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Old 11-06-2005, 10:38 PM
Scott is offline Scott
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most of the time case fans hook up to your power supply.. They wont hook upto your motherboard unless you get certain ones.. you can oc the cpu and ram through the bios.. the graphics is software based oc.

04' Dodge SRT-4, Mopar Stage 3, 406whp/436wtq
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Old 11-06-2005, 10:57 PM
navysea| is offline navysea|
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Thx a bunch panther for all your help man my IQ on computers just jumped hehe thx a bunch again and as i said ill post some pics later once i start building it

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Old 11-06-2005, 11:00 PM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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yea i been thinking of ripping out the heart of my system and replace the mother broads faster CPU dual and ram cards, mainly gutting it out totally.

but thats a long ways off, a dream only.

my memories card RAM are 800mhz 4ea they are a bitch to buy up. dual upgrade types.

i can max out at 2048mb RAM thats 512mb 4ea.
freak gateway mfg set me up with them type of cards.
price's $$$$$ only have 512mb now 4-slots to use.
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Old 11-06-2005, 11:18 PM
navysea| is offline navysea|
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by the way im looking at the processor and i dont understand what the difference is between the

AMD x2 4600+
this has a cache L2 x2 512kb

the AMD x2 4800+
and this has a cache L2 x2 1mb

what are the caches do like whats important about them because both of these processors have L1 cache of 64kb+64kb

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Old 11-07-2005, 12:17 AM
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the l2 cache is the most important.. thats why I went with the 4400+. It has the 1mb L2 and is a few hundred cheaper then the 4800+. The only diffrence between the 4400+ and the 4800+ is the clock speed. But the 4400+ can be clocked to the 4800+ very easily, i'm doing that right now..

04' Dodge SRT-4, Mopar Stage 3, 406whp/436wtq
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Old 11-07-2005, 12:43 AM
navysea| is offline navysea|
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awesome thx a bunch i just showed my dad my b-day wishlist with all these components lol he is like woah 450 for a graphics card lol but i havent really had anything big for a couple years now so hopefully i get the stuff (still havent shown him the processor cost)

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Old 11-12-2005, 04:01 PM
navysea| is offline navysea|
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i think my b-day money for a pc is now going towards my first car so... yea i dont know... If i hold off on the pc vista might come out before summer so i could get a summer job and pay for it that way

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