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Old 03-09-2007, 01:37 PM
Mauser 98K is offline Mauser 98K
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Students return to school after suspended for praying


VANCOUVER, Wash. -- A group of high school students suspended for refusing to move their morning prayer group from school grounds has returned to class.

Heritage High School suspended 11 students Friday after they ignored repeated orders to move the prayer group from the busy student commons, assistant superintendent Bill Bentley said. The group is not registered as a student-led group.

Five of the students returned to class Monday and six completed a reduced suspension that allowed them to come back after three days Wednesday.

The suspensions were reduced after administrators talked with students' parents.

Several students and members of Vancouver's Church of Truth gathered Monday to pray on a sidewalk just off school grounds.

Megan Gaultier, one of five students assigned in-school detention Friday, said the prayer group would continue to meet outdoors to avoid further penalty.

If the students decide to formally register as a school-sanctioned group, the school would provide a classroom for use before or after school, as allowed by district policy.



thats what i dont get, what the hell is going on with this country?
we cant say under god in schools and cant even read a bible in our spair time after class, but we can have these islamic murderers on tv saying alah be praised after they cut off a christians head,
and we got these government controlled church programs trying to bend the meaning of christianity and we can even show Brokeback Obama in prayer with the american islamic society.

but when a student in his or her spair time trys to pray to god or jesus as part of their belifs they are condemed and punished for exercising their belifs, isnt that an infringment on freedom of religion?

like why can the islamic comunity do prayers in the congress and exercise their religion and no1 says a dam thing about it, but if a christian prays in a classroom, or in any public place it is automaticly a insuilt to everything? isnt this a form of discrimination?

if these people dont want to pray they dont have to pray, and they dont have to watch others pray, just get the hell out if they dont like it dont try to force these atheist ideals upon every1 because you dont belive in god, if you dont belive then leave us that do the hell alone you pig eating whors of babylon.

im sick of the government and these imagrants telling americans what they can and cant belive, i dont give a **** if i offend you,and if you are ofended by what i belive then ill offend you as much as possable, you came over here jack and you chose your belifs and we have chosen ours and if ya cant take it ill gladly drive your ass to the nerest airport or harbor and let you take a 1 way trip to your country of choice and lets load all these **** eating politicians that are trying to not offend some1 who hate out guts , lets load them up too.
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Old 03-09-2007, 04:29 PM
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talk about going over broad with this b/s

in the old days we kids back in the 60s-70s we said it all on the school grounds and never had a teacher watching over us like some piggy lover.

we pray we even did other things in school grounds, not once we had these cracks head teachers say or do anything about it at all.

bet them teachers take a IQ Test they hit a 3rd grade level on the score.

i like the teachers of old they did their jobs not these teachers of today they seem to like to make up hate groups more and act like they are on drugs.

a family ask me to go with them to a PDA meeting with their kids outside watch over them? (Don't ask don't know why they ask me to baby seat them outside ether) as they was inside the build windows wide open heard everything.

i did over hear one of the teachers have the hots (honey) is on my watch list its a maybe.
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Last edited by Hellfighter; 03-09-2007 at 04:38 PM.
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Old 03-20-2007, 09:21 PM
Erik is offline Erik
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I like how you guys take government and misunderstand it and make it fit your beliefs.
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Old 03-20-2007, 09:22 PM
Chels is offline Chels

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Can't mix church with school.

That's why they wanted to take
"under god" out of the pledge I heard.

Somewhere between the Laughing for no reason
pointless arguments, long talks, ...<3
and always making fun of each other i fell for you

Originally posted by Steve
i wanna spank Tril.
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Old 03-20-2007, 10:56 PM
Mauser 98K is offline Mauser 98K
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im not taking anything and makeing it fit my beliefs, we went over 200 years where we could pray in schools and now it is just now wrong, why wasnt anything said in the late 1700s 1800s and early 1900s? it is because the atheist politicians wernt in controll then.

they have to take god out of our lives for a person with faith has courage and has hope, without hope they can easily be controlled because there is no will to resist.

and if there is no faith how do you know what is being done is right or wrong?

george washington prayed for hours b4 a battle, but if things were like they are now then he couldnt have prayed because it might ofend some moron, screw offending people, that card has been played to death, we gota make them stop because it offends me, he cant do that because it offends me,we cant say under god because it offends me, WELL BOOHOO.

we said one nation under god for all them years and no1 said a dam thing about it so why in the hell is it now wrong, ill tell you why, because the communist politicians want to be the only power that every1 knows, if there is god then they arnt the supream ones anymore and most of them dont belive in anything but absolute power.

it says in the bible for those who belive , that in the last days many shall lose faith, and it is happening right now but most are so intrueged by the propaganda of the leftist facist regime that they belive anything that is shoveled down their throats.

ither ya belive or ya dont.






this used to be the home of the free, free to belive what you want to belive and free to go where you want to go, free to become whatever ya wanted to become without the fear of the government trying to controll you, but now everywhere i look i see more and more government censorship and more methods of controll and more and more communism, ya dont think they are grooming us to live in a communist state, then look at schools, ya can be searched without warrent, that is in violation of unlawful searches and seisures, on the 1st day of school when ya bring in supplies it is distributed amung evetry1 else or is thrown into a closset, that is from every1 acording to their abilities and to every1 acording to their needs, that is what karl marax did, nothing belongs to you anymore, thing your propertie belongs to you then dont pay your taxes and see if you live thare long.

there are cameras everywhere to keep an eye not on the bad guys but to watch law abiding citizens, they are training every1 to live in a big giant prision where the populis is the inmates and the police is the guards and the government is the wardens.

what do you think they are working on all of these non leathal methods, like pain beams and glue bombs, it is not to prevent an invasion, that is happening right now and the politicians havnt the will to close the boarders, the reasion behind all of these non leathal weapons is for controll of the raging crowds when they try to take over the united states and force every1 to belive how thay do, not to use in iraq or some other place, althoe that is where they are testing them, perfecting them to use aganst us.

and they are already setting things into place for the new national id card that every1 will have to have b4 you can drive get medical attention, buy food or what ever, your papers please comarad, they did the same **** in nazi germany during hitlers rule.

as a matter of fact some of our gun laws are from nazi germany 1920s gun laws, word for word, it is not a war on guns as they would like you to belive it is so they can controll the law abiding people. and that is all that these gun laws and other laws hurt, it is the law abiding people, the criminal will always have a gun, for he makes his living breaking the law, so if you outlaw guns then the only people who turn them in is the law abiding people, for the criminal who breaks the law all the time is like, waht is 1 more law, he breaks almost all of the others so whay should he obey this one.

these laws are not ot stop violence, not to stop crime, it is to controll the law abiding citizens.

tell me that they dont want to rule the world. go ahead tell me.

and like a good little boy ya belive everything that god shouldnt be said or that we should accept this new law, and the crime is getting worse, the reasion crime is getting worse is because every1 that is a law abider is scared to death of going to jail and the criminals know this so they have greater security to do what they do, that is the reason for the laws thy pass it is not to protect you but to make crime so bad that they have nothing else to do but step on and controll everthing.

thesis antithesis synthesis, create a problem, demonstrat the problem and get every1 scared and then come up with their solution, hitler di the same thing, by a few calculated street riots and his own hipnotic forgery, he took over, that is happeing now but no1 sees it because they watch CNN, or movies and never read, that is why they dont teach this in schools it is because that they want every1 to forget the past.

he who forgets his past is destined to repeat it, he who controlls the past controlls the future, he who controlls the present controlls the past.

i havnt misunderstood anything, i know how the government is supposed to work probably better than most, it is not i repeat not suppose to be like it is, the constitution is not there to put chains upon the people it was supposed to be to put chains upon the government, and there is i repeat nothing in theorigional bill of rughts and constitution that says that you have the right to vote.

that is a loophole that the politicians put in to gain more power.
the way it was set up b4 was that unless you had a claimstake in something like a buisness or owned property you couldnt vote, they did it that way because that if you owned a buisness or property you had something to lose and ya shour wouldnt vot in a power hungry dumbass.

so by a amendment here and an amendment there the ones who didnt have could vote and the loberal was praised nd got voted back in because they ha given them anoter right, and so go the amendments and executive orders giving the non workers and non thinkers welfair and keeping them happy so then they votemore of them in office and then the cycle esculate till women were given the right to vote and then they voted for the politician who would gurentee them security or a bigger pay or more rights, and then the cycle esculates to where the welfair trash populates like rabbits because they sleep around and around and make more potintial voters and power for the powerhungry liberals, and it will esculate till the nonthinkers and non producers outnumber the producers and when that happens the strain will be to great on the workers so most of them will stop working and that makes the load that musch more difficult on the ones that still work till there is the point where no1 is producing and every1 is consuming and then that is the end of the late great united states and hello to a new world the new third world.

they have been working on this for years and they way that they are going about it is working so well because of all of the forms of distractions, like all of these sports programs, ya know what the Romans called these programs, they called them blood sports, and bread and curciuses, keep the populis focused on a foregin matter or on a game and you can do anything, and they are and look what happened to the mighty roman empire, destroyed from within.

a democracy only last till the subjected people figure out they can vote themselves power and wealth.

this isnt supposed to be a democracy, and i dont care if ya belive me or not, can you tell me what this county started out as b4 the liberals made it a dmocracy?

it was a represenative republic, hence the line in the pledge of alegence, to the republic for witch it stands onenation under god.

it is not i who is misunderstanding anything, i knowwhat im being fed, do you?

Last edited by Mauser 98K; 03-23-2007 at 09:58 PM.
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Old 03-23-2007, 08:02 PM
Erik is offline Erik
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Well your wrong on many points but I'll argue 1. Under God wasn't as old as the Pledge it's self. 1954 was when Under God was added after Eishenhower heard a sermon by a preacher. "These words [“under God”] will remind Americans that despite our great physical strength we must remain humble. They will help us to keep constantly in our minds and hearts the spiritual and moral principles which alone give dignity to man, and upon which our way of life is founded."

Mind you, most politicians are indeed Catholic in faith.

First Amendment sum up "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

SHALL MAKE NO LAW. There isn't a law that prohibits it.

Also "If the students decide to formally register as a school-sanctioned group, the school would provide a classroom for use before or after school, as allowed by district policy." Meaning they CAN pray. But in order to do so they MUST follow district policy.

Man I hate FAR RIGHT people
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Old 03-23-2007, 08:12 PM
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Originally posted by the Kát™
Can't mix church with school.

That's why they wanted to take
"under god" out of the pledge I heard.

Last year they banned the whole prayer thing from schools here in NZ too by the way...

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Old 03-23-2007, 09:54 PM
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well i hate FAR LEFT people.

there may be no law that prohibits it but just givem time, it is still wrong to tell some1 that they cant practice their faith because it offends you.

i dont go around telling people they cant build a church because it offends me, i dont go around telling people that they cant pray or say this or that, i respect them for being brave enough to do a prayer in public.

i hate to say this but i respect the musslems in a way, i hate them killing people all time and being murderious but atleast they are brave enough to fight for what they belive in, they are brave enough to say HEY! i am here i am musslem so get used to it, most people in this country **** themselves and bend to everything that the government and all of these atheist want them to do.

there may be no law saying that you cant practice religion that the government has set , but why is it wrong to pray? and why do you get into trouble if you do exercise your beliefs? isnt this a type of law? a rule that says that you cant do something, it might not be a law from the government but it is a rule that says you cant pray, you cant assemble to pray, you cant read the bible, that shur sounds like a rule or type of law to me. it just isnt thought to be one.

and they are limiting your relegious freedoms wetheir you would admit to it or not, wetheir you can see it or not, they are doing it.

and why must it be sanctioned by the school? that is the same as putting them into a sect all by themselves, it is like saying that you are diffrent because you do this so you must be hidden or something, THAT IS A FORM OF DISCRIMINATION.

but you have the right to belive what you want to belive, and i respect your opinions, and i will voice my opinions

and i would like to know what else you think i was wrong on.

Last edited by Mauser 98K; 03-23-2007 at 09:59 PM.
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Old 03-23-2007, 10:03 PM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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think this is getting out of hand some what or over broad
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Old 03-23-2007, 10:07 PM
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naa, im just trying to educate and learn something new, not trying to get outof hand.
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Old 03-24-2007, 10:13 AM
Lucky is offline Lucky
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Mauser You remind me of one of those weird guys you meet on the bus and have strange conversations with.

But, I hate this. I'm Personally not religious but if you want to pray at school you should be able, expecially if it is after/before school.
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Old 03-24-2007, 10:41 PM
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I have a problem with what you said because its founded on ignorance. First, it's not Muslims its Islamic Extremists. Islam is a peaceful religion that has been around longer then Christianity.

"there may be no law that prohibits it but just givem time, it is still wrong to tell some1 that they cant practice their faith because it offends you."

Just give them time? At NO POINT will you ever see it.

How are they limiting my religious freedoms? In my town, Petoskey, MI zip code 49770 there is a Temple across from that is a Scientology church, next to that is a Lutheran and a block down is a catholic church. If it was limited they wouldn't be filled up every sunday.

Also, fimiliar with Red Mass?...Google that for me.

You know why? Because PUBLIC schools are funded by the FEDERAL government. If they government allowed this they would be establishing a religion. Mind you, these kids CAN do this...just must register as a group first.

Try reading a book or two before you come hang with the big dogs. Have a nice day

Oh, and I'm not Left, or Right. I'm just educated.
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Old 03-24-2007, 10:45 PM
DevilDog#1 is offline DevilDog#1

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Time to close the thread I say ...

If I don't do that doesn't mean I can't - DD#1
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Old 03-25-2007, 12:05 AM
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Wait, why the heck did I agree with Kat? (No offence, just that for some reason I agreed. )

I think what I was trying to say was that schools shouldn't force kids to do prayers (I think they were doing this in some NZ schools). However, I reckon it's alright doing prayer in school-time, as long as you don't force other people (that don't want to do it) to do it and all.

Just my 2 cents.

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Old 03-25-2007, 12:56 AM
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have u ever read the koran? if you have ya would know it wasnt a peaceful religion, it says that if you cant convert people of another religion enslave them if you cant enslave them kill them.


if Islam is the peaceful religion that many want us to believe it is, why don't we hear more Muslims speaking out against Islamic terrorism.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, meaning that they cant sponsor anything religious, or create any programs being of religious nature.

or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
means that they cant prohibit you to practice your religion even at school if it is government run then they cannot tell you to not practice your religion for then they are activly interfering with the part that says that they cant prohibit the free exercise thereof.

or abridging the freedom of speech, the freedom to say what you want to say including PRAY or talk about your religion with others of your religion without getting hollered at or suspended.

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, witch means that it doesnt have to be sanctioned by the school ya should just be able to read your bible or pray in your spair time. i bet if i was musslem i could pray to mecca without getting suspended.

and if the school did sanction it wouldnt that mean that the school was activly participating in a religious event? just by sanctioning it they are allowing themselves to be a part of the event for they are giving or taking the ability away from the kids. and it being part of the government wouldnt that be in violation of seperation or church and state?

and you saying there will never be a law, lol, you have obviously never payed attention to what is happening.

little by little is how it is happening, they make people remove anything that says christmas from store fronts in some places and they have to say happy holidays, there are people who use the power of government to make private citizens remove crosses and other items because the people next door is atheist and dont want to look at a nativity sene when they go outside.

and i do read books, i have read 8 in just this year, an im not talking comic books ither.

knowledge is found in books, and knowledge is power ONLY! I REPEAT ONLY! if you can use it.

and thats right, ya should be able to pray as long as it is not forced upon you or you force it upon others.

lol, this is probably gona cause a closeing.

Last edited by Mauser 98K; 03-25-2007 at 01:29 AM.
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Old 03-25-2007, 01:16 AM
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Originally posted by Lucky
Mauser You remind me of one of those weird guys you meet on the bus and have strange conversations with.

i am probly the strangest person youll ever meet,half insane as my teacher put it, school tharapist said i am a textbook case, a textbook case of what he didnt say.

scared the hell out of the shrink of my school when he irratated me, just kept probing me, and woulnt leave me alone, i was just kidding, ill never do this again, i said , and i saw a pale horse and the riders name was death and hell followed, and i am death the destroyer of worlds and this is my pale horse, refering to my truck, fadded bage white 85 dodge pickup, 4 legs=4weels, horse=horse power, i like killing things in games and have went by that name , so i wasnt lying from a certain point of view.

lol refered me to a real shrink, went to alternative school for a month, and no1 would talk to me the rest of year.

shrinks have no sence of humor.
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Old 03-25-2007, 04:02 AM
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Freedoms aren't absolute, as soon as you have multiple freedoms that cant be by definition, my right to freedom of speech does not extend to say, yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded theater (the classic example)....

I dont have a huge problem with people practicing their religion at school as long as they are doing it in such a way that it is obstructionist or as long as they don't pro actively try to convert other students. Though i understand the schools position and agree with it, the United States is a secular state by design, i think the right of the parent to assume that government schools will be secular in nature is important. The school had a good policy that balanced both sides by allowing students to use school premises to pray where they ask for it, sure the classrooms they were allowed to use might not have been exposed to other students in the same way as the corridor or yard, but if thats an issue then i don't think they are sincerely praying, they are trying to either convert other students or cause trouble using their religion as an excuse...
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Old 03-25-2007, 09:13 AM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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Originally posted by Mauser 98K

i am probly the strangest person youll ever meet,half insane as my teacher put it, school tharapist said i am a textbook case, a textbook case of what he didnt say.

scared the hell out of the shrink of my school when he irratated me, just kept probing me, and woulnt leave me alone, i was just kidding, ill never do this again, i said , and i saw a pale horse and the riders name was death and hell followed, and i am death the destroyer of worlds and this is my pale horse, refering to my truck, fadded bage white 85 dodge pickup, 4 legs=4weels, horse=horse power, i like killing things in games and have went by that name , so i wasnt lying from a certain point of view.

lol refered me to a real shrink, went to alternative school for a month, and no1 would talk to me the rest of year.

shrinks have no sence of humor.

love that post got to be the best laugh i ever got out this year.

thanks for that made me feel not so badly now
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Old 03-25-2007, 01:18 PM
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Originally posted by Mike
I dont have a huge problem with people practicing their religion at school as long as they are doing it in such a way that it is obstructionist or as long as they don't pro actively try to convert other students.
Agreed. ^^

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Old 03-29-2007, 11:58 AM
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ok ya didnt belive me when i said that they ws discriminating religious people, well here it is in action.


New York bans only 'religious' groups
Public facilities available for all other users

Posted: March 29, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

A scene from Relevant Church's 2006 Easter event

A lawsuit has been filed in Watertown, N.Y., because the Dulles State Office Building there – and other state buildings – have conference facilities that can be rented by anyone – except churches.

"The state of New York, over the last 20 years, has been the worst place for equal access," said Jordan Lorence, senior counsel with the Alliance Defense Fund, which is working on the case on behalf of Relevant Church.

"Even though there have been five major Supreme Court decisions from 1981 that you cannot treat religious users with religious speech worse than everyone else, nonetheless these policies persist," he told WND.

The lawsuit seeks an immediate injunction ordering the state to allow the church to rent a facility – otherwise available to anyone – for its Easter Sunday service.

Lorence called the policy "wildly out of step" with court affirmations of church rights.

In this specific case, the church, whose congregation has outgrown its own building, usually rents another nearby building for its Sunday services. However, there were scheduling conflicts on Easter and another approaching Sunday, so officials asked to rent the Dulles State Office Building.

Those facilities specifically are available to "nearly all groups in the community for any 'educational, cultural, or civic' purpose." But the state policy specifically prohibits religious "activities" or "services," a clear violation of Supreme Court precedent, the ADF said.

"Government officials do not have the right to discrimination against Christian groups," Lorence said. "When the state opens up a building for community groups to rent, it must be fair and permit equal access. The courts have repeatedly ruled on this, but here we are again."

He said courts recently have ruled in favor of two other New York churches represented by ADF attorneys regarding equal access, including a decision that resulted in a permanent injunction in a case involving the New York City Board of Education.

But in Watertown, state officials have allowed the rock band Tough Luck, a video game event, a meeting of Toastmasters, a presentation of "The Nutcracker," a presentation by a "mural painter and social activist," a meeting of Citizens Against Illegal Drugs, a performance of "Come Meet Clifford the Big Red Dog," and "Bubble Mania."

But they won't rent to Relevant Church, whose pastor, Robert Miskowski, was told that the so-called "separation of church and state" prohibited the church from renting.

"It's astonishing that state officials would not view faith as serving any 'education, cultural, or civic' purpose, but regardless, government officials are required to be fair," Lorence said. "We hope that the state will obey the law and allow this church to rent public facilities just as other groups are permitted to do."

Lorence said the church simply as asking to rent the facility on the same terms and conditions as other users. And he said court rulings have made clear simply allowing a religious group to rent a facility on those same conditions does not create a government "endorsement" of religious statements.

He said the emergency request was pending before a federal judge, but the ADF was preparing to appeal up to the U.S. Supreme Court if needed to ensure the church had a place to meeting on Easter Sunday, April 8

<<<<<<<<STORY HERE>>>>>>>>>

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and here is another example.

Christian fired for sharing God
University, agency that sacked woman on trial in federal court

Posted: March 28, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

A Christian woman is battling a California university and state social agency for terminating her internship because she shared her faith with co-workers during off-hours.

Jacqueline Escobar was completing a master's degree in social work at California State University Long Beach when she interned with the Department of Children and Family Services, or DCFS.

A straight-A student, Escobar was complimented regularly by the DCFS for her work. But she came under scrutiny for sharing her faith with co-workers during lunch breaks and after-hours, and for changing into a shirt with a religious message – "Found" – after signing out for the day, according to the Pacific Justice Institute, which is representing her.

A trial is scheduled to begin April 3.

"Through this case, we hope to send a powerful message to government employers: you cannot trounce upon the First Amendment rights of people of faith and expect to get away with it," said Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute.

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Escobar was directed to stop speaking about her faith, even during breaks and after work hours.

Also, the university ordered her to sign a document admitting she had "an inability to separate her religious beliefs from her role" as an intern.

She refused to sign the document, arguing she couldn't agree to such a sweeping prohibition that included her religious practice during non-working hours.

Consequently, Escobar was terminated from her internship and threatened with expulsion from the graduate program.

She then contacted Pacific Justice Institute and filed the federal suit.

Attorney Daniel R. Watkins argued freedom of religion is "the first and most fundamental constitutional right."

"Unfortunately, as this case illustrates, religious beliefs are under assault from every sector of government," he said. "It is our intent to ensure that people of faith working in government are afforded the protections our founding fathers intended."

As WND reported, a Christian former employee of Allstate settled a lawsuit claiming he was fired because of an anti-homosexual, anti-same-sex marriage column he wrote on his own time.

J. Matt Barber was a manager in Allstate's Corporate Security Division, its investigative arm, at the Fortune 100 company's headquarters in Northbrook, Ill. After being called into a meeting with two human resources officials who confronted Barber about the column, he was fired.

Though the original column's bio line did not indicate Barber worked for Allstate, editors at one of the sites where it was posted added that information, and a complaint about the piece made its way to Allstate management.

<<<<<<<<<STORY HERE>>>>>>>>>>

Last edited by Mauser 98K; 03-29-2007 at 12:06 PM.
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