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Old 04-03-2007, 03:14 PM
Mauser 98K is offline Mauser 98K
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Supreme Court And Global Warming


In a 5 to 4 vote, the liberals on the Supreme Court have decided that climate change is ruining the Earth. The church of global warming has been energized like never before. One more Bush appointee on the court and we won't have to put up with this nonsense for years to come. We're close, that is if John Paul Stevens ever retires. But back to yesterday's ruling.

Essentially, the ruling declares that carbon dioxide (CO2, for those of you laboring away in government re-education camps) and assorted greenhouse gases are classified as pollutants under the Clean Air Act. Carbon dioxide exists naturally. Trees depend on it to live. Now it's a pollutant. Nice going. This is a huge specification...one with wide-ranging ramifications. Up to this point, the EPA has refused to regulate those emissions. But in steps the Supreme Court, which has decided to accept the theory that CO2 causes global warming and something must be done.

So now car manufacturers will be made to adhere to stricter environmental controls. You might agree with that and that's all well and good, but here's where the problem lies. It is not the place of the United States Supreme Court to create environmental policy. In fact, the high court is not supposed to make new laws at all. But don't tell that to the 5 Justices that rammed this through. But it was a 5 to 4 vote...meaning 1 more Bush appointee and we'll be able to close the books on decisions like these.

John Paul Stevens is 86...good for him. But better for us when he retires.

next thing ya know thell be taxing us on the air we breath, wait gore the bore has already sugested that, he sugested that every1 should be tested on their CO2 output and taxed acordingly.
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Old 04-04-2007, 04:11 AM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

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"In a 5 to 4 vote"

Wohoo! Finally there might be something done about this!

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Old 04-04-2007, 06:24 AM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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personally they try to build up green fuel what happen to that all the freaking states tax it like crazy.

Florida state to have a plant build for this! the people local government & state tax it and what'd to charge more money before it even got a jump start building on site....

the plant owner left after they was told they had to pay extra fees to build it at all.

i can careless tell the truth it all. every one like to get their dirty hands in it too and talk the big talk but bottom line its all bull.

it will never work the big car MFG, will find a loophole in it and get around it
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Old 04-04-2007, 07:38 AM
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It's going to happen no matter what anyone does. It's been happening forever, even before we used any types of fuel. Global warming is "true" in the sence that it is warming, but it's false and dumb that anyone thinks we can do anything about it.

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Old 04-04-2007, 09:34 AM
Lakie is offline Lakie

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Yeah, that article doesn't misrepresent the role and purpose of the Judiciary at all, and people wonder why kids these days are so uneducated about civics when you have idiots like these (both left and right) blatantly misrepresenting the fundamentals of the system under the guise of free speech.

Last edited by Lakie; 04-04-2007 at 09:39 AM.
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Old 04-04-2007, 10:28 AM
Mauser 98K is offline Mauser 98K
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what these greenie wenies wont tell you is that the sun is hotter than it has been in years, and they wont tell ya that even mars is warming up, that rigt there would sugest that it isnt man made, but all this global warming is comeing from the same ones that were screaming global cooling back in the 70s.
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Old 04-04-2007, 12:25 PM
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in the old western days the native people in the U.S, had a saying you can't drink it if there no life in the water.

basic the whole world need to think and plant a lot of trees life and cut off oil all together totally besides other things.

big fat cats need to get with the time & save this world instead of bleeding it dry for big money or there not going to be a world left to save. this is the time to get jumping on it not when it too late by that time the planet will be dead
* altnews sources [getmo & others news] not found main FNN: realrawnews.com
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Old 04-04-2007, 02:04 PM
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i figure well blow it up b4 it comes to us destroying it thru pollution.
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Old 04-04-2007, 06:08 PM
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Originally posted by Scott
It's going to happen no matter what anyone does. It's been happening forever, even before we used any types of fuel. Global warming is "true" in the sence that it is warming, but it's false and dumb that anyone thinks we can do anything about it.

It happened on Mars, it'll happen on Earth. You cannot prevent nature. As the planet ages it will NATURALLY warm and cool. All we can do is adapt our lives and technology as this happens.

If you get online and google all this you will find that in fact there is less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at this time. During the years of Pangea and the rise of the dinosaurs the continental shifting caused massive volcanic eruptions that released CO2 at exponential rates never before seen. The climate heated dramatically. The abundance of CO2 caused plant life to rage like a wildfire. This in turn caused a soar in Oxygen levels which in turn was one of the reasons dinosaurs were so damn large.

It's a never ending cycle. The only thing that we as humans are contributing to is the shrinking supply of fossil fuels. Rather than worrying about stopping Global Warming (which is impossible). We should be focusing how to better conserve our resources that we have, and PLAN for the changes that are going to arise from Global Warming.
DF2 Forever!

Last edited by Bustin; 04-04-2007 at 06:15 PM.
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Old 04-05-2007, 06:34 AM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

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One problem is the ozone layer, not that much about global warming but more UV rays get through the atmosphere. UV rays are deadly.

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Old 04-05-2007, 11:36 AM
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heh, they cant even reproduce the creation and destruction of ozone in the labs they got so everything is based on theory ond no hard fact.

like try this, they said that freon refridgerants were depleating the ozone, how did it get up there, any1who has ever messed with freon knows that it is heavier than air, and heavier than air thing have a tendency to float downwards rather than upwards, so how in the world did it defy physics and float upwards?

and for the higher UV levels, well paying attention to current things, the sun being hotter and a little larger in size and more solar activity, that would also mean more UV levels, global warming all it is is a way to controll, most of the things they scream about they have no proof and are only speculating and is based on theory.

and how about CO2, they say it is going into the atmosphere, well has any1 ever heard of a muzuko? or whatever it is called, it is a pocket of gas that is found over lakes and holes around volcanos.

well acording to science the pockets of gas that claim lives every year are composed of what? you guessed it, CO2, but how can that be if CO2 is light enough to get into the atmosphere wouldnt that mean that the pockets of CO2 gas would evaporate into the air instead of sitting in those pockets on the ground? hmmmm.

and if trees rely on CO2 to live and if the CO2 was to lite to sty at ground level how in the world can trees exist, or grass.

most of what is said about global warming and us causeing it is bull**** and if no1 can see that most of the things that they say is happening is impossable and couldnt happen because they are heavier than air and couldnt possably defy gravity and physics and get up there.

and if you want to see CO2 heavier than ir yourself, then get a glass jar, get a little baking soda, and a little viniger or lemon juce, then a candle and another jar.

put a candle ina jar and secure it where it will stand by itself, light the candle, take a little baking soda and put it in another jar and pour in a little lemon juce or vinager, not too much now or it will fizz over, just enought to get a good reaction, now put the lip of the bakingsoda and lemonjuce jar next to the canlejar and tip it a little to pourin nolt the liquid but the gasses that are created, the candle will go out, how?

well the reaction of the acids in the juce will react with the baking soda to create CO2 and being the CO2 is heavier than air it will pour l;ike a liquid into the candle jar putting it out.

Vinegar is acetic acid: CH3COOH
Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate: NaHCO3
Mixing the two is simply and acid base reaction.
CH3COOH + NaHCO3 ---> CH3COONa + H2CO3
That last product is carbonic acid which quickly decomposes into
carbon dioxide and water:
H2CO3 ---> H2O + CO2
The CO2 is what you see foaming and bubbling in this reaction.
-joe schultz

that is one reason they dont teach densities of gasses in most schools anymore, because it goes aganst what the greenie wenies ar preaching.

Last edited by Mauser 98K; 04-05-2007 at 11:51 AM.
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Old 04-05-2007, 02:52 PM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

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like try this, they said that freon refridgerants were depleating the ozone, how did it get up there, any1who has ever messed with freon knows that it is heavier than air, and heavier than air thing have a tendency to float downwards rather than upwards, so how in the world did it defy physics and float upwards?


Alot is explained in this aswell: http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives...9374.En.r.html

As a good question. How can dust that weight alot more then freon and other atoms be taken upwords if they are heavier then air? Same principle is true to most issues you posted.

and for the higher UV levels, well paying attention to current things, the sun being hotter and a little larger in size and more solar activity, that would also mean more UV levels, global warming all it is is a way to controll, most of the things they scream about they have no proof and are only speculating and is based on theory.

Uh, wait one second. So because there are more UV light, it just doesnt matter if we get even more UV light as we will die anyways? The ozon layer (not the one close to ground that actually cause us harm) minimize, filter if you want, the UV radiation through a cemical reaction. This can be masured with a tool that compare the UV light that is not effected by the ozone layer (one sertain wavelengh) and then mesure the ammount of UV radiation (different wavelengh) that the ozone layer does "filter" and the proportion inbetween is the mesured amount of ozone in the upper atmosphare. In other words a deflect in what the sun sends to earth in terms of UV radiation is not important as that is taken into calculations. This is a method that has been used sine 1920 in mesureing the ozone layer thickness. So it's statisticly qualified mesuring tool.

Then there is the labratory, sattalites (including the Swedish Odin sattelite) among other methods.

"and how about CO2, they say it is going into the atmosphere, well has any1 ever heard of a muzuko? or whatever it is called, it is a pocket of gas that is found over lakes and holes around volcanos."

Yes. It's well known that vulcanos release CO2.

"and if trees rely on CO2 to live and if the CO2 was to lite to sty at ground level how in the world can trees exist, or grass."

CO2 is heavier then Oxygen and Nitrogen. But as in the glass and candle experiment, sooner or later it will reach that flame as more CO2 is being released. And its picked up by the wind as described in the article.

"most of what is said about global warming and us causeing it is bull**** and if no1 can see that most of the things that they say is happening is impossable and couldnt happen because they are heavier than air and couldnt possably defy gravity and physics and get up there."

Nothing is defying the natrual laws such as gravity.

"that is one reason they dont teach densities of gasses in most schools anymore, because it goes aganst what the greenie wenies ar preaching."

Thankfully not here, even if I thought they ware the most boring classes on earth because you had to lern the periodic system with all the atom numbers and all that stuff. I'm not sure what the "greenie wenies" are saying over there. But here sientists (not equal to "greenie wenies") that there is something else then just the natrual temprature change considering the evidance of lower consentrations of ozone in the atmosphere and higher consentrations of ozone at ground level (called marknära ozon in Swedish). They are not denying the natrual causes, they are well aware of it but they look beyond it and concentrate at the human aspact. Most agree that humans do have an impact but not to the extent of how much influense the humans have.

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Last edited by SilentTrigger; 04-05-2007 at 03:06 PM.
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Old 04-05-2007, 03:22 PM
Mauser 98K is offline Mauser 98K
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ok, comeing from a site that is trying to tell you global warming is happening, all of these sites ya got here are telling people that it is happening and most are sponsored by thoes who want every1 to think it is happening, so is that what you really belive or is that what they want you to belive?

i can too come up with a bunch of tables and diagrams and say it is this and people somewhere will belive it, just because ya seen it in a table or diagram doesnt mean that it is infact true. i dont work on the seeing is beliveing rule. i recearch things and decide for myself instead of relying on some1 who thinks this is how it is supposed to work, from what i have seen most of this is impossable.

and i wasnt talking about the ground level ozone, i was talking about the uperlevel ozone that is the filter.

and ya say they got tools to check this with, if they cant recreate this process in a lab, and no1 really has ben able to test these processes then how can they tell if what they are looking at isnt the way it is supposed to work?

i wouldnt trust government sites that are making millions from the global warming thing and trying to make every1 belive that it is happening, and not adhering to the rules they set down themselves.

Last edited by Mauser 98K; 04-05-2007 at 03:29 PM.
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Old 04-05-2007, 03:46 PM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

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"ok, comeing from a site that is trying to tell you global warming is happening, all of these sites ya got here are telling people that it is happening and most are sponsored by thoes who want every1 to think it is happening, so is that what you really belive or is that what they want you to belive?"

Seriously, all sites take one side. It's imposible to not take a side so I don't see your point.

"i can too come up with a bunch of tables and diagrams and say it is this and people somewhere will belive it, just because ya seen it in a table or diagram doesnt mean that it is infact true. i dont work on the seeing is beliveing rule. i recearch things and decide for myself instead of relying on some1 who thinks this is how it is supposed to work, from what i have seen most of this is impossable."

We both do, I don't read something and automaticly form my opinion around it, I have myself looked at sources from all sides and formed my own opinion as you have.

"and i wasnt talking about the ground level ozone, i was talking about the uperlevel ozone that is the filter."

Never implied you ware, I'm also talking about the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere.

"and ya say they got tools to check this with, if they cant recreate this process in a lab, and no1 really has ben able to test these processes then how can they tell if what they are looking at isnt the way it is supposed to work?"

Eh, what? Can you recrate gold? No. How do you know it's gold and not something else? Same logic.

You use statistics. And I'm not sure of what you're refering to as "recreate this process". What process are you refering to?

" i wouldnt trust government sites that are making millions from the global warming thing and trying to make every1 belive that it is happening, and not adhering to the rules they set down themselves."

Making millions of what?

And you wouldn't trust any source as it's not the view you would like to see. If I however put a source in acceptence to your views on this issue that originated from Donald Duck you would jump up and down saying its credible (exadriated of course)

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Old 04-05-2007, 03:53 PM
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yes you can create gold, there was a scientist that was big into alchemy who was reported to take a lead plate put some sort of red powder on it and heat it and the resolt was the lead turned into a gold aloy, the plate is still around it starts out as lead and slowly fades into gold.

1 reason ya wont find much on alchemy.

i cant do it, but im shure some1 can do it.

Making millions of what? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

And you wouldn't trust any source as it's not the view you would like to see. If I however put a source in acceptence to your views on this issue that originated from Donald Duck you would jump up and down saying its credible,

i could say the same.

and on the process i am refering to, they cant recreate the process of the creation and destruction of the filter ozone in lab experements, witch means thay cant make this ozone and cannot destroy it by the process that is supposed to be happening because they cannot create it.
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Old 04-05-2007, 04:38 PM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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will green gas (if you can call it that) is like a blanket holds the heat in and not let it go back into space. building even more heat up don't matter if the sun get hotter the heat is building up on the planet and more try to reflate out to space is getting return to the planet by green gas farts.
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Old 04-05-2007, 04:52 PM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

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Oh you're correct, they can make gold and it was made in the 1980ies. Bad example hehe.

Actually the photosythesis which is involved in the creation of Ozone is also involved in the way ozone is "put apart".

O2 + UV-light -> O + O
O + O2 -> O3
O3 + UV-light -> O2 + O
O + O3 -> 2 O2

An Ionic purifyer actually "creates" O3 (ozone) which of course is unhealthy in higher doses (deadly), this is why there was an outcry about ionic purifyers creating a harmfull envirement indoors. Ozone (O3) exist natrualy. There are guides on the net to make your own ozone generator. Or just get a strong UV lamp and you will be creating Ozone

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Old 04-05-2007, 05:13 PM
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yup, ya can use the ion generator out of a ion purifier to purify water, for it will kill all microbes in the water if ya bubble it thru the water.

i got a book that shows how to purify water by using this method, pretty nasty stuff if it will do that.
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Old 04-06-2007, 04:21 AM
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Indeed! Saw a realy easy way (seemed to) make a ozone generator with a glas tube, a waterpump (such in a fishtank) a rubber tube and AC current. Thats how I remember it atleast hehe. Was probebly something more to it but it looked quite nice

Don't ask me if it worked, was just text discribing how to do it hehe

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