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Old 10-06-2007, 10:22 PM
Mauser 98K is offline Mauser 98K
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tactics , and things to remember.

ok i made another thread for the tactics section being the last thread i posted in was getting a little long and off topic.

ok, dont try to be a hero for there is no medevac in the woods.

try to have the sun at your back for it will impair the enemys ability to see you.

reguarding night vision with the auto shutdown, a high wattage IR tanning light facing outward mounted on the roof or wall will disable the enemys night vision but will allow you to see like daylight with generation 1 goggles and being their night vision wont work and it is dark thell be at a dissadvantage.

white light will also turn off the automatic gain nightvision but it also make you a target.

the IR iluminator on nightvision should only be used as a last resort for it is also seen by your enemy if they are using night vision.

no smoking in the dark for a match and a ciggerett is like a signal flair thru night vision.

high power perfums, and or aftershaves are a nono for the smell will give you away.

a pump action is a nono, get a gas or over\under shotgun for every time you cycle the pump action it will mark your location with the classic clichclatch.

always have a gas mask, odds are if you dont have a mask they will use CS or other gasses.

have diffrent types of cammo cloths for the brown times and green times and snow times, standardization of cammo will get you killed.

when cammoing you vehicle, park it in the woods and paint to match.

realtree cammo is garbage to the trained eye, for all the colors are so close together it blends at range and turns all 1 color.

ready made plastic ghuilie suits arnt worth the money, they are made to fit 1 location or so and cannot be adapted for other locations easily, use a brown net and tie your own suits.

when digging a hole for a bunker, save the top soil, for with the thermal cameras in choppers it makes a big shoot me symbol with the absence of the top soil.

a large crossbow and a piece of cable shot into the rotors of a chopper will cause it to beat itself to death, the large cable nets launched into the rotor will do the same.

fuel air bombs will work both ways if shot in the right spot.

do not fight armor unless you have the nessasary equipment to destroy it.

do not fight on equil terms and give them the opertunity to generate casulties.

always carry a sidearm, you might need it.

modify your night operation to go aganst the moon for it will aid in consealment.

fire a shot and relocate for 2 shots in the same place will generally mark you.

learn the diffrence between cover and consealment, a door is consealment a stone wall is cover, and unlike the movies a piece of drywall will not stop a 30cal.

go for the motor controll if they are wearing body armor, like the groin and legs, a shatter pelvis isnt conducive to some1 wanting to fight, even a well placed shot into the artery in the leg will cause death in muinits.

if you approach a doorway and you see the enemy if they are 2 foot in front of you and you dont have you gun to bear, dont try to bring your rifle to bear for you usually dont have time, bash the sharp end of the stock into their mouth turning it into a pile of chicklits and then shoot them.

avoid open terrain if all possable for it will make you a sitting duck.

do not get on the top of a hill for your siloett outline will give you away.

have an array of weapon avalable of diffrent caliburs, for you can withdraw and bring in diffrent caliburs when they become avalable and also because a rifle with 10x scope isnt worth much at 50ft and a rifle with a 100m range isnt worth much at 500m.

your worst weather conditions are your freind, for the enemy is usually more worried about the weather during a rain storm.

if you are using standard military caliburs then you are also in range of them.

a sniper should always have a partner to watch his back while he is shooting the general.

what is real funny with grenades is replacing the delay fuse with a non delay fuse and throwing the grenade to the enemy with the pin still in it, for hell think it is just another grenade and pull the pin poping the handle and blowing himself up.

do not use exotic guns with exotic ammo, it is to hard to get parts and ammo for.

500 misses isnt a cumlitive hit.

the easy way is alway mined.

metal siding and roofs will defeat most thermal technology.

rubber belting an inch or so thing loosly hung will stop defeat most small arms.

your flak vest will not stop a 30-06.

lexan type plastic is bullet resistant over an inch thick.

pay attention for that tree might not be a tree.

a broad headed arrow will penetrait most bulletproof vest.

a solid copper tubelier bullet will act as a cookie cutter on body armor.

electronic sights in a survival situation are worthless if you cannot get batteries.

show no mercy for it is garenteed that you wont recive any.

on this idea most have gotten, if things get real bad they are gona go and live in the woods and hunt their food, you and how many other people have gotten that idea, youll be luck to not be shot by some other person.

work on the KISS proncaple, Keep It Simple Stupid.

the more complicated a technolodgy is the more supceptable it is to premitave attack.

do not take the cap off your scope till the last munit for it will reflect light.

do not try to readjust your scope for every shot like in the movies, get a scope with a compensation recticle and hold off for messing with the click adjustment will if the rifle isnt right make the point of impact off.

take care of your feet for if they go you will soon follow.

always carrie atleas 3day of food in a butt pack 2 canteen and talor the load for your weapons so as not be to heavy, dont try to carrie the 4000rounds you own.

ill post more when i think of them.
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Old 10-06-2007, 10:54 PM
Chrispy is offline Chrispy

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That's a nice list Mauser.

Two things also from me (I hope I don't sound like a dumba**e since I really don't have real-life "military" experience):

- When down in the grass in a ghillie, sometimes making slow and steady movements will help.
- Any shortcuts to an area where there's broken foliage is a NO NO.

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Old 10-06-2007, 11:22 PM
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yup slow movement is less knoticeable than fast movement being most peoples eyes will go to the fast movement automaticly.

and any heavy broken limbs and such that you step on will give you away.
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Old 10-07-2007, 12:41 AM
Chrispy is offline Chrispy

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- Sometimes, you might want to shoot a round or two into the ground with your firearm before you use it.
- Treat every gun like it's loaded.
- Don't point a gun at someone unless you really wanna pop their head off or something... lol.
- Use weather to your advantage (like Mauser said, with the sun for example ).
- Use a formation that's suitable with whatever you're doing.
- Observe, shoot, move, observe, shoot, move.

Mauser can probably come up with 1000s more than this... lol. He's a million times superior to me in this subject...

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Old 10-07-2007, 12:54 AM
Grenademan is offline Grenademan
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Walk in bare-foot or socks. That way you can "feel" the terrain your walking on and adjust the pressure so as not to make too much noise. Just try sneaking in shoes or thongs. Not easy.

Listen to ambience. Nearby crickets that suddenly go quiet heralds the approach of a possible hostile. Conversely, be cautious of the presence of insects. They may go silent if you move too sporadically, and if your opponent is smart enough, will pick up on this.

Know the terrain and the environment.

Hiding spots can be anywhere when night falls. Shadows cast by the moon or powerful lighting can hide anything, even if it is in the open.
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Old 10-07-2007, 01:04 AM
Chrispy is offline Chrispy

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- Know your hand-to-hand combat and don't totally rely on weapons. Sometime in your military service you're gonna be outta ammo, or be face-to-face with someone that wants to rip your guts out.

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Old 10-07-2007, 01:24 AM
Grenademan is offline Grenademan
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Avoid close quarters situations. Leave as much space between you and your enemy. You have more chance of killing him with a ranged weapon and surviving to continue on.
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Old 10-07-2007, 01:28 AM
Chrispy is offline Chrispy

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- Learn to hate the enemy. You'll probably feel less guilty and shocked in the long run.

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Old 10-07-2007, 01:42 AM
Grenademan is offline Grenademan
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Know who your enemy is. Find out his capabilities. His strengths and weaknesses. Learning to "hate" them might lead to mishaps. Clouded judgement.
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Old 10-07-2007, 01:59 AM
Chrispy is offline Chrispy

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- Sometimes you might want to move fast when piloting an e.g: halo for example. Slowing down might reveal you in an enemy radar.
- Sometimes you also might want to stay apart a bit but keep within visible range with each other - otherwise one grenade might take out your whole team...

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Old 10-07-2007, 02:08 AM
Grenademan is offline Grenademan
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lol, I think Mauser was referring to real-life situations. None of us here are qualified to fly a helo!

But hey, whatever works .
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Old 10-07-2007, 07:37 PM
Mauser 98K is offline Mauser 98K
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lol, one of the murphys combat rules, if something on your chopper isnt broken it is about to be.

and walking barefoot is a nono, step on something or try to run and you will shove something into your foot, the way they used to do it is to wrap your boots in towels so it cushons the boot aganst the brush and muffles anything that you might step on.

yes, no less than 15m between people so a boobytrap doesnt take out half the squad.

traveling single file and walikng in each others footsteps will help hide numbers.

Observe, shoot, move, observe, shoot, move - sounds good 2 me.

and like he said , watch the wildlife and listen, for they can be a great alli.

dont get mad, dont get even , just get ahead.

and if you find yourself in a strange place, do as the natives do, for they have got the way of living figured out.

when aproaching a corner, watch your shadow for it is the 1st thing to go around the wall with the light at your back.

and on the out of ammo part, the key is to not allow yourself to run out, if you shoot some1 and your running low, grab the gun and the ammo from the guy u just killed if possable, thats why you need to have a weapon that is chambred for the most common calibur that your enemy is using for you can use the enemy as a resupply, we did that during the war aganst the redcoats, we shot a redcoat and took his powder and shot and ate their lunch, the thing im worried about is the vehicle i shoot and hopeing it doesnt burn up b4 i get all the equipment out.

and if you are flying a helo fly low and fly fast using the terrain to cammoflauge your approach.

and observing your enemy and paying attention will aid you in their defeat.

use their streingths as their weakness for most of the time they are reliant on their hightech toys in foreign land, so if possable take out the hightech toys, for it is a entirly diffrent experiance when you dont have the wonder toys.

and yes, if possable shoot them with the biggest nastiest thing at the fatherest range so thell bleed out long b4 they get near you, and try to engage at the maximum range for all their running and ducking burns callories and tires them out.

Sometimes, you might want to shoot a round or two into the ground with your firearm before you use it - - you could but i wouldnt recomend it in combat for the 1st round will aleart them and the second will mark your location.

and try to avoid conflict if at all possable for every conflict you are in lessens your survival chances.

and do try to avoid CQB if at all possaable, for if it was my house or structure i would mine the building for the ocasion and blow it up when they run in guns blazing whilest im hiding in the padded room in the center of the house.

and do not point a gun unless you are prepaired to use it for it will piss your attacker off and make him want to kill you more.

and some hand to hand skill are a must, and keep atlest 2 fighting knives on your person and atleast 1 sidearm.

and that is the recomended place to hide is in the shadows for it makes you blend in better.
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Old 10-07-2007, 10:23 PM
Chrispy is offline Chrispy

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Yeah when I mentioned knocking a round or two in the ground, I was actually meaning before combat I think - like, before you're in enemy territory or in your base you're gonna be picked up at, etc.

- Sometimes having your own "taste" of an enemy item can help you so you know what's it like - like e.g: CS gas yourself or something lol (although I don't really recommend it). Well, NZSAS did something like that in their training, heh (but then, they're special forces ops so yeah...). But like said, I don't really recommend this.

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Old 10-07-2007, 10:31 PM
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be smart enough never to get yourself involved in a situation where this is necessary
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Old 10-07-2007, 11:31 PM
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the way things are going it will be nessassary to know this stuff, expecially in the US.
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Old 10-08-2007, 12:55 AM
Grenademan is offline Grenademan
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Originally posted by Mauser 98K

and walking barefoot is a nono, step on something or try to run and you will shove something into your foot, the way they used to do it is to wrap your boots in towels so it cushons the boot aganst the brush and muffles anything that you might step on.

Actually I was referring to installation combat...like in a house or some base.

Originally posted by Mauser 98K
and do try to avoid CQB if at all possaable, for if it was my house or structure i would mine the building for the ocasion and blow it up when they run in guns blazing whilest im hiding in the padded room in the center of the house.
LOL you crazy nut.
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Old 10-08-2007, 01:00 AM
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Believe it or not, in the mornings when I wake up from bed and walk with my bare feet (on plain wood - not carpet), I can literally hear my feet gripping off the cold wood, and using socks kinda stops that sound... lol.

But bare feet in some cases can help I guess.

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Old 10-08-2007, 02:33 AM
Grenademan is offline Grenademan
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Like I said, try sneaking in shoes or thongs. Bare foot or socks is so much easier and quieter.
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Old 10-10-2007, 11:56 PM
Chrispy is offline Chrispy

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- Don't try to leave traces of evidence you where you were at (e.g: the forest). Don't leave any snack wrappers or expose your piss on a tree and not covering it up. Try and cover all that up making it look like you were never there in the first place...

- Cover your tracks as much and as quickly as possible. You don't wanna spend twenty minutes covering one or two tracks and happen to have a baddie catch up to you and pop you in the head!

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Old 10-12-2007, 07:54 PM
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- LOL if you're desperate, put some big slippers on shaped like big-ass feet and drip some blood on the bottom of the slippers and walk around in the snow and go directly to a cave that's really dark (where you've got a .50cal emplacement ready in the dark). That'll scare the sh*t outta your foes!

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