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Old 10-23-2004, 11:25 AM
KU43 is offline KU43
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One Last Plea

Before you vote ask yourself WHO would the enemeys of this great country vote for? WHY would a supposed war hero not release his military records to the American public? WHY would john kerrys military discharge be dated 20 years after his exit from the navy? after leaving the navy he still had 4 years in the reserves. this being true the oath he pleaged as an officer, WOULDN'T this make him guilty of, at the least treason? in the hanoi war musuem WHY is john kerrys photo hanging from the wall proclaiming him a hero to the communist goverment? WHO voted to not finance our troops in harms way but voted to send them there? WHY has mrs. kerry been hidden from the American people? WHO has the title of being the elected offical farther to the left than even that murderer ted kennedy? WHO would put the UN and one world order ahead of the US? What is the Tide Foundation? and WHERE did all the millions go that was given them by the kerrys? OK NOW VOTE

Last edited by KU43; 10-24-2004 at 01:10 AM.
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Old 10-23-2004, 04:50 PM

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Republican KU? lol GO BUSH!
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Old 10-28-2004, 11:37 AM
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yep and way 2 the right
To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them
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Old 10-29-2004, 07:54 AM

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Well, the democrats are corrupt as all hell...Thats right. KERRY SUCKS!
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Old 10-29-2004, 08:21 AM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

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Re: One Last Plea

Originally posted by KU43
Before you vote ask yourself WHO would the enemeys of this great country vote for? WHY would a supposed war hero not release his military records to the American public? WHY would john kerrys military discharge be dated 20 years after his exit from the navy? after leaving the navy he still had 4 years in the reserves. this being true the oath he pleaged as an officer, WOULDN'T this make him guilty of, at the least treason? in the hanoi war musuem WHY is john kerrys photo hanging from the wall proclaiming him a hero to the communist goverment? WHO voted to not finance our troops in harms way but voted to send them there? WHY has mrs. kerry been hidden from the American people? WHO has the title of being the elected offical farther to the left than even that murderer ted kennedy? WHO would put the UN and one world order ahead of the US? What is the Tide Foundation? and WHERE did all the millions go that was given them by the kerrys? OK NOW VOTE
Why did bush's granfather make deals with the nazi germany? etc etc

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Old 10-29-2004, 08:39 AM
Lakie is offline Lakie

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Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely -Lord Acton

I dont think there is an honest politician in the world, for all the points you make there would be just as manyon the other side, for example why does the world* think by a -16% majority that the United States military presence would NOT bring peace and stability? Or in the same survey a majority stated that the United States is not a force for good in the world. Im not saying i agree or disagree, just illustrating the point that there is two sides on every coin.

* Avergae of all those polled from the UK, Russia, Australia, France, Isreal, Canada, Jordan, Indonesia, Korea et. al.

Ideally i hope this happens

Kerry win the presidency; and
Republicans have a couple of seats majority in Reps
Democrats control the Senate (or vise-versa)

It looks like Kerry will win, the media over there declared their hands early this week and they are pro kerry - whoever has media backing wins.
Gone are the days of an independant reporting media, now they set the political agenda.
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Old 10-30-2004, 07:18 AM
Reticle is offline Reticle
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Ahh, but those in the media who aren't busy endorsing a candidate are showing polls that show Bush is very likely to win at this point. It's gotten to the point where few Americans watch the news, and a very slim portion of those people actually believe it all. No one really cares what the New York Times thinks, they care who is going to do a better job as president. The polls as of this morning show that the numbers in favor of Bush for handling the war on Terrorism are 65-23 in favor of Bush. So far, national security is also ranked as the most important issue, and it's likely to be seen as much more important with the release of the UBL tape, in which Usama Bin Laden basically seems to be campaigning against Bush, which is, of course, VERY good for Bush, because now people will be more focused on security. As of now, Bush has a 2-3 point lead in most polls (after you subtract the margin of error, it's a raw 5-6 point lead) and it's expected to get better today, when the new polls come out in wake of the UBL tape. With only 3 days left til election day, it's looking pretty damned good for President Bush.
"If I die I'm suing"

"You're not paranoid if they're really out to get you"

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Old 10-30-2004, 09:54 AM

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Gore had media in 2000, and the media is bias. Bush takes 46 of 50 states
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Old 10-30-2004, 01:35 PM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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I already Voted in:
01.) Pres: W Bush (R).
02.) US-Sen: Mel Martinez (R) (District 5).
03.) Fla-Sen: Barry Brooks (D) (District 3).
04.) US-House District 5: V Brown-Waite (R).
05.) US-House District 6: Cliff Stearne (R).
06.) Fla-House District 20: Bill Proctor (R).
07.) US-House District 11: Dwight WStanel (D).
08.) US-House District 43: Charles Dean (R).
09.) Eighth-Circuit court Judge: Harvey Baxter (R).
10.) State Attorney Eighth-Circuit: Stan Griffs (D).
11.) Fla-Supreme Court Mert Retention: Justice Kenneth B Bell.
12.) Fla court of appeals-District 1: Judge James R Wolf.

all so voted on the following: Fla Constitution Amendments
Amendment One Voted: Yes
Give the parents the right to be notified if their Minor Daughter is having a Abortion.
Amendment Four: Voted: No
limit the expansion of gambling in Fla.
by not allowing slot machinges in Dog tracks in south Fla

dang if i feel they going to do a great job I'll vote for them.
Democrats: 3ea
Republicans: 7ea

in the pass i seen allot of fool in the White house what they think it is all to do there? having party and sex in the house? I'll sick of the lot of them mostly the Democrats lazy two face SOB.
* altnews sources [getmo & others news] not found main FNN: realrawnews.com
*Discord: Unknown77#7121
Playing now days: EA Games> swtor [star wars old republic]

Last edited by Hellfighter; 10-30-2004 at 02:00 PM.
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Old 10-30-2004, 01:58 PM
Reticle is offline Reticle
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Looks about how I would vote if I only could (except I'd be in a different district for local government). Unfortunately, I'm only 14, though. I'll turn 18 about a month after the '08 election, which really sucks, but I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
"If I die I'm suing"

"You're not paranoid if they're really out to get you"

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Old 10-31-2004, 12:06 AM
KU43 is offline KU43
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MIKE if kerry wins,and i pray he don't, how would i go about becoming an armed Australian citizen? i dont recall bush while in the service of his country attending any anti American rallies under a communist flag or burning any American flags. even hanoi jane said im sorry. why do you wish a self admitted war criminal to head the US government? If half the people in this country would do a little thinking and stop beliving ABC, NBC, SeeBS,and a fat commie producer kerry, ted kennedy, bill and hillary, finstine, and the rest would be doing hard time for crimes of treason.the polls on the world,s view on the US milatary ... FEAR IS A GOOD THING
To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them
George Manson

Last edited by KU43; 10-31-2004 at 01:03 AM.
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Old 10-31-2004, 08:28 AM
Lakie is offline Lakie

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citizenship: unless you have family connections, i understand that you have to live here for 2 years as a perminate resident in 5 years and 1 year in the two years before the application, check www.citizenship.gov.au for more info

as for the guns, which state woul you want to reside in, if its SA i can explain the situation, anywhere else i cant help

Firearm imports and exports are controlled by the Federal Government but ownership and control are up to each individual state....
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Old 10-31-2004, 04:31 PM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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i may think of moving to ether AUS or UK only two places that been to seems great. if this jerk Kerry wins. he only serve 4mo in Vetnam he has the guts to talk about it like he did. sorry i think he has no right to speak for them that serve there at all. and now he wish to be in the white house today gee he really burner flags he hates it all. what can he do if he has no wisdom in the subject at all. Give me break i'll take Jimmy carter back, i take him over this fool anyday.

Some serve there 1yr to 2yrs in Vetnam. he only did 4mo what happen he got his pee pee cutoff poor boy.
* altnews sources [getmo & others news] not found main FNN: realrawnews.com
*Discord: Unknown77#7121
Playing now days: EA Games> swtor [star wars old republic]
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Old 10-31-2004, 10:03 PM
KU43 is offline KU43
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To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them
George Manson
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Old 10-31-2004, 10:30 PM
Matt is offline Matt


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Originally posted by Chief ADFP
Amendment One Voted: Yes
Give the parents the right to be notified if their Minor Daughter is having a Abortion.
imho i disagree with that one chief....if the girl didnt want her parents know then its her right for them not to. even though i dont agree with abortion as a whole, because i feel its a form of legal murder.

P.S. Go Bush.

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Originally posted by Panther
For your sence of free speech, we will control how much you have here .
Originally posted by Steve
fak i clicked it to lol.

the message "this will disable it" should have been put before

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Old 11-01-2004, 02:04 AM
Lakie is offline Lakie

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So if kerry wins you may live in australia, out of interest how do you justify that? Australia is a much more liberal country than the United States....
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Old 11-01-2004, 03:39 AM
BADDOG is offline BADDOG

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There is one point that you've made BB/Mike that I sadly have to agree with, and that is the fact that so many people seem to lack faith in their politicians, what ever country they may reside in.

I do feel that what ever choice the American people make in the upcoming election, that choice will be, (and always should be), in the best interests in that great nation.

One more thought, who ever the American people choose needs to be a strong leader prepared to fight a very long war against international terrorism.

Warm Regards
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Old 11-01-2004, 05:51 AM
KU43 is offline KU43
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got to get to work so fast anwser. it's the people i have no faith in. reason being they are misinformed by the major t.v. networks' and the proof of this is the re-election of bill clinton abc, nbc, and see bs jumped all over the false documents from the 70's milatary record of bush even after it was proven false yet not one word on kerry's refusal to releace his milatary records but even knowing this most people still belive these so called news groups. if i can find your e-mail addresses at novahq ill foward you 2 some of the truth i have on kerry.
To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them
George Manson
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Old 11-01-2004, 08:53 PM
KU43 is offline KU43
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Why did bush's granfather make deals with the nazi germany? etc etc


i have no idea of what your talking about but i know if someone does an injustice his grandson isn't held accountable for his actions. now kerry, on the other hand says he is the "strongest candidate on national defense" then said "cheak the record" so i did . here is what i found :he voted to 1-kill the bradley fighting vehicle,2- the m-1 abrams tank, 3- every aircraft carrier since 1988, 4- aegis anti aircraft system, 5- the f-15 strike eagle,6- block the building of 60 f-16, 7- the p-3 orion upgrade, 8- the b-1, 9- the b-2, 10- the patriot anti missile system, 11- the fa-18, 12- thef-117, 13- every military appropriation for the development and deployment of every weapons system since 1988 14- he even voted against giving battle armor to our troops. he helped comrad clinton down size the military by709,000 active duty troops, 293,000 reserve troops, 8 standing army divisions, 20 air force and navy wings, 2,000 fighter aircraft, 232 strategic bombers, 500 icbm's with 1,950 warheads, four aircraft carriers, 121 surface combat ships and subs, and all the support bases, shipyards, and logistical assets to run them. turned my home town, vallejo california into a ghost town shutting down mare island a sub building base. this is just 1 of many bold face lies he has told. want to here some more just ask. just about every thing that comes out of his mouth to the american people is a lie. but the people are sheep and to lazy to cheak into it. kerry is a lier ,a self addmitted war criminal, a traitor, and an opportunist. what makes this possible is the besotted and lazy american citizson.
To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them
George Manson
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Old 11-03-2004, 07:56 AM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

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Originally posted by KU43
got to get to work so fast anwser. it's the people i have no faith in. reason being they are misinformed by the major t.v. networks' and the proof of this is the re-election of bill clinton abc, nbc, and see bs jumped all over the false documents from the 70's milatary record of bush even after it was proven false yet not one word on kerry's refusal to releace his milatary records but even knowing this most people still belive these so called news groups. if i can find your e-mail addresses at novahq ill foward you 2 some of the truth i have on kerry.
Kerry did released his naval records.
They're avalible on his homepage.

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Last edited by SilentTrigger; 11-03-2004 at 08:08 AM.
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