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Old 11-16-2003, 06:10 AM
BADDOG is offline BADDOG

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Marshal Law For Iraq?

I don't know what anyone else thinks but isn't it time that the coalition forces in Iraq were given the power to declare marshal law?

The dreadful loss of life amongst U.S. troops in particular and British and Italian troops more recently, not to mention the innocent civilians of Iraq must be stopped and surely marshal law would bring about a curtailment of there terrorist attack on people who are there to help the people of Iraq after many years of a mad mans ditatorship?

What does eveyone else think, Marshal law or get all those troops out and let the people of Iraq sort this mess out for themselves?

If the people of Iraq truly want a real and functioning democracy, they have to stand shoulder to shoulder with all coalition forces and bring about an end to these cowardly and devastating attacks!

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Old 11-16-2003, 06:52 AM
katana*GFR* is offline katana*GFR*

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I know what you mean , but dont forget Iraq is a islamitic country. In the islamitic culture democracy's are not a well spread common like in the western countrys ( USA Europe ).
It will take long time before they will get it right.

And no i am against the Marshall Law, utmost all governments say that they wishes to help build Iraq up to the oil state it was in the 70's and 80's ( In those times they had so much money that they even could not make it up. )
But when S. Hussein thought he could go into Iran and steal a oil rich territorry there the misery begun. Long lasting trench war. Which soon started to exhaust the money that they had.

I dont think that a Marshall Law will do any good there. What the problem is now they have there temporary governement that has to figure out how a democracy works. Whilst they have never had something like it.

I wish my english was better so i could type my story a bit better, i miss a few facts that are important for my story that i just typed down.

ps Im not making stuff up here, i just had my lessons for Iraq. Im getting shipped there upcoming March. If the Dutch Government gives us permission to go.

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Old 11-17-2003, 07:33 AM
BADDOG is offline BADDOG

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I think I may have seen the same interview Blackbelt and yes it's bloody ironic that a citizen of Iraq would say that!

It seems we may have got ourselves into problem that is going to take a hell of a lot of thought and patience to resolve.

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Old 11-17-2003, 07:34 AM
BADDOG is offline BADDOG

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You make some fair points there Katana and don't worry about the English mate, your point of view is getting through loud and clear!

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Old 11-17-2003, 08:12 AM
Lakie is offline Lakie

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i suspect that many iraqis dont particularly want any one form of government or another, as long as they can go along doing what their doing they are happy. Democracy isnt something you can force, the people need to want it.

To start with i think you need an autocracy where an american appointed iraqi rules as head of state almost independantly but is answerable to the USA.
Similar to the way Australia was set up before we federated in 1901, the King/Queen appointed aussies to run a colony but served that position at the Monarch leisure

I reckon that iraqi was misrepresented in the translation he probably meant that
1. sadam was a strong leader
2. iraqis need a strong leader
3. somone that would be a strong leader like sadam needs to rule

not to say that they want the evil sides to sadam back...
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Old 11-17-2003, 09:37 AM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

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I need to be enlighted on Marshal Law, as i dont know what that is. If i dont know what it is i cant put in my thoughs

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Old 11-18-2003, 03:46 AM
BADDOG is offline BADDOG

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Hi Silent!

Basically marshal law is government by the military. An occupation force takes over all the government of the occupied nation on a temporary basis until civilian authority can be restored.

This is usually done when a lot of the basic administration and services such as food supply, water, gas etc have or are breaking down and most important of all, when law and order have broken down and attacks by terrorist or other organisations reach a level where chaos reigns.

In the case of Iraq I assume we, the allies, will have to at least partake at some level in the government of Iraq until such time as full civilain rule can return.

As Blackbelt has pointed out, this may take some time as the people of Iraq have been used to a strong central government.

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Old 11-18-2003, 09:33 PM
*P§yçhø*†hrî||ë is offline *P§yçhø*†hrî||ë
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i say pull all our people out... i mean weve lost over 400 people since this thing started. thats nuts pullour people out and let the iraq people sort all this out if they really dont want the dictatorship back they wont aloow it.

Originally posted by spottiswoad
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Old 11-19-2003, 08:44 AM
BADDOG is offline BADDOG

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I can understand why you feel that way bro! Something will have to be done sooner rather than later and hitting back at these terrorists is the only solution I can see!

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Old 11-19-2003, 10:32 AM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

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Thanks for the explenation BadDog!
I do think and i would hope that it would make some order in Iraq, but they (military or any coallition) cant chose a cuple of people to run or to be chosen from to rule the country because that isnt democratic! But same time, it might be needed to get everything to work from the begining...

One note though. "hitting back at these terrorists" if that referes to eliminating terrorism, i think it will be a allmost imposible thing to do. Terrorism isnt eliminated by eliminating the terrorists. It wont help. Terrorism will probebly allways be around us. An animale can be extinct, terrorism cant...

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Old 11-19-2003, 06:10 PM
Lakie is offline Lakie

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ST: i know an autocratic system is undemocratic but it is the way that places are governed until they were sorted out, the USA, Australia, NZ awere goverened at some point.
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Old 11-20-2003, 09:43 AM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

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"But same time, it might be needed to get everything to work from the begining..."


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Old 11-20-2003, 01:54 PM
BADDOG is offline BADDOG

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I think that after events in Istanbul where my fellow British citizens have been so dreadfully murdered along with totally innocent Turkish citizens, we should take effective counter measures against all terrorist scum world wide and if they shoot at our allied forces in Iraq, then we should back at the bastards!

For these scum and the scum who attack U.S. and U.K forces in Iraq, there should be no mercy! We may not be able to destroy terrorism worlds wide but we can let them know how high the price for these cowardly attacks is going to be!

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Old 11-20-2003, 04:20 PM
zza1pqx is offline zza1pqx

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If a terrorists family risked scorn and disenfranchisement as a consequence of their relatives acts.
If a man were not promised eternal salvation and 1000 heavenly virgins as prize for destroying the great evil of the zionist axis of evil.
If a people were not continually oppressed and violated (illegaly) with the entire worlds support.

Then there would be no terroism.

Take away the reason to fight in that manner and the fighting will stop.
You cant run into a country kiling their civillians (accidently) whilst telling them, "sorry, sorry we will get things better than you have ever had it before if you just allow us to drive out this viscious dictator" and then, after you utterly fail to restore order, elctricity, water, basic medicine, then get arsey and aggressive to the people who didnt actually ask you to come into their country and save them and then stand suprised when the people get funny with you about it.

20th century history showed us force doesnt work.
The cold war was won when people stopped posturing and started talking.
Hitlers reign of power started after the Treaty of Versailles oppressed an undeserving people.

I dont know the answer, but kicking their arse will piss them off and rightly so.
Its George Bushes idea of a solution and there is documented evidence he has an IQ less than an ape. (Look it up its true)

Lets think and win in peace and shoot the **** on video games.

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Old 11-21-2003, 03:57 AM
Gene starwind is offline Gene starwind
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i did not want to come to this thread but it must be said,

and that hurts
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Old 11-21-2003, 04:34 AM
BADDOG is offline BADDOG

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Well ZZA as always from you food for thought. However, the people who put the idea of a "1000 virgins" and "eternal joy" or what ever it is into the minds of the people they convince to carry out these attacks, are just as manipulative as any Western leader.

They have taken one the worlds finest religions and twisted it for their own evil ends by pursuing a course of action which will "piss off" the worlds only super power and the American president, (who ever he happens to be), would be forced by American public opinion to retaliate in someway or another.

The settlement at the end of world war 1 was unfair to the German people as whole but the destruction wrought by the German occupation in France justified the draconian measures taken by the victorious allies in the eyes of the people who drew it up. In hindsight it was wrong and probably did contribute to the coming of the second war. It wasn't however the only reason for that second war, we learnt the hard way, that aggression must be stopped and by force if neccessary, unfortunatley we learnt that lesson to late and as a result some 60 million souls died world wide.

Had we not taken a very tough stance against Soviet communism from the end of the second world war, then Stalin would have taken Western Europe, or at the very least dominated it, if we were not prepared to threaten mutually assured destruction. That "posture" prevented a third world war and undoubtably, Stalin would have attacked if he thought the United States was not prepared to guarantee our freedom by stationing their forces in Western Europe.

The "opressed" people in the Middle East, and by "opressed" I assume you mean the Palestinians? Well that is a problem we have yet to resolve, Israel is cought between a rock and a hard place, the only working democracy in the Mid East is torn between it's need for security and the settlement of a Palenstinian home land. How this will be resolved is beyond me but we can live in the hope that a solution can be found.

As for President Bush and the I.Q. of an ape? Well a lot of people voted for him, what does that say about their intelligence? For that matter in my career and in my life, I've come across some brilliant people with high I.Q.'s but not one shred of common sense. He IS for better or worse, the President of the United States and as such we have to accept and deal with that!

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Old 11-21-2003, 04:36 AM
BADDOG is offline BADDOG

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Gene I sincerely hope your Father is safe and well during his tour of duty in Iraq.

Warmest Regards
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Old 11-21-2003, 08:46 AM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

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Originally posted by Gene starwind
i did not want to come to this thread but it must be said,

and that hurts
Sorry to hear that, but what did that has to do with this, besides that its about iraq?

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Old 11-21-2003, 09:04 AM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

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Originally posted by BADDOG
I think that after events in Istanbul where my fellow British citizens have been so dreadfully murdered along with totally innocent Turkish citizens, we should take effective counter measures against all terrorist scum world wide and if they shoot at our allied forces in Iraq, then we should back at the bastards!

For these scum and the scum who attack U.S. and U.K forces in Iraq, there should be no mercy! We may not be able to destroy terrorism worlds wide but we can let them know how high the price for these cowardly attacks is going to be!

Just one thing you should have in mind, they kill them self just to kill others, they arnt afraid to die, more violince will only casue more terrorism...

The talibans is once again getting closer to control of Afganistan, did you know that?

One note, there ware people from several nations killed in Istanbul, just to not let it sould like only tukish and englishmen ware killed...

There have been alot more terrorattacks since the Afganistan war started, then before the war

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Old 11-21-2003, 09:14 AM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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I don't know what anyone else thinks but isn't it time that the coalition forces in Iraq were given the power to declare marshal law?

Big fat no: reason if the Coalition forces start "marshal law" it will only feed the fire and i bit it will back fire, the Coalition start marshal law the people and others will say they are trying to take over Iraq and its oil, its better they the people and their ruler's say ok go for Marshal law. till then police action is better. its costing more. the lives of the coalition forces but itrs better then having all the people going nutso. they have cut back the Coalition forces in the country now.

sorry Iraq people 98% are not right the in the head, they will go nutso real fast. remember they have Teens/Adult go blow them self up for any socall reason they can think of. its sad
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Last edited by Hellfighter; 11-21-2003 at 09:24 AM.
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