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ShArP ShArP is offline

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. Sam
    10-28-2009 06:29 PM
    If you dont reply tot his skinny killer i will send BAD People to your house J/K
  2. skinny killer
    10-19-2009 05:24 PM
    skinny killer
    sharpie, if you don't reply, I'll send people to your house. BAD people. j/k
  3. skinny killer
    10-18-2009 08:41 PM
    skinny killer
    he doesn't believe in replying.
  4. Sam
    10-12-2009 12:15 PM
    sharp you gonna reply?
  5. skinny killer
    10-11-2009 09:42 AM
    skinny killer
    "lol i just realized that i had a visitor message"

    uh huh, just admit it, you were ignoring me! J/K
  6. skinny killer
    10-07-2009 05:05 PM
    skinny killer
    ok I guess nothing's up.
  7. skinny killer
    09-28-2009 07:09 PM
    skinny killer
    WAAZZZUUUUPPPPP?????? Sharpie!!!!!
  8. Sam
    07-29-2009 06:56 PM
    wow sharp didnt know what you looked like till now


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 09-25-2021 07:47 PM
  • Join Date: 12-23-2003
  • Referrals: 0


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