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Delta Force Anything to do with the Delta Force series of games, DF1, DF2, LW, TFD, BHD, DFX, AF etc.

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Old 08-29-2002, 05:27 PM
dude is offline dude
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Delta is Dying....

Some days I logged on NOVA there where like 250 players worldwide - what a joke NOVA is becomming. To much cheating to much lag and no real dedicated server is gonna finish them off toatalt. Dudes take a look at BF1949 just to metion one new release in the category - well one look at that and everyone must realize that DF is kind of Packman next to that. BHD may save it a bit but I have serious doubts cya all in another game with a real game engine that is up to date.

Last edited by dude; 08-29-2002 at 06:00 PM.
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Old 08-30-2002, 12:50 AM
chief*ADFP* is offline chief*ADFP*
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yep its real sad you got it maybe a lot better if it was hosted like in the old days but every time you trun around a cheater popup.....df1 not bad its old and still have to have people cheat in it.....df2 mostly a lot of cheaters in it.. dflw not too bad some time see a speed cheater or a name cheat user come in.....its sad all these cheat have to messup a good game area to get a cheap luagh out at the cost of other's its this reason i been really thinking of getting out of it all to gether,
P.s think i going to buy DFBHD or DFTFD hell why for 2-6mo it be ok then the cheating will startup...cheater reports is find and all but not same as a host get in to do something about it at the time.
AKA: Hellfighter, Chief ADFP, William NHq, Obraino, chief*ADFP* and "threefooter"
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Old 08-30-2002, 03:22 AM
dude is offline dude
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Got that right

Good point Chief...You have my vote.
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Old 08-30-2002, 05:59 AM
zza1pqx is offline zza1pqx

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So the server uptake is dwindling because no one wants to play because of all the cheaters.
That is sad.
It also proves my point that DF community is going to die out not because of people who cheat but because of people who decry cheating to the nth degree and can't just get on without moaning.
Oh well.

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Old 08-30-2002, 06:01 AM
zza1pqx is offline zza1pqx

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Also I dont think it helps that after the server upgrades from nova there was exactly NO information about how to access them.
It took me (an IP connector) a bloody age to find out what the new IP addresses were to actually connect to novaworld!!!!

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Old 08-30-2002, 09:49 AM
Sal UK is offline Sal UK

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Well I will say Its nova to blame i dont think they do enough to sort out the cheats maybe in 2003 people will be saying who the ---- is nova I think nova should start charging for you to play online and drop the price of the games because if you have to pay to play it would take a very sad person to cheat while they are paying for it.I never wanted to play anything else when DF2 came out Then the trainers struck I think I Used The Ban command more than i fired my gun.But as soon as BattleField 1942 comes out I will leave nova for good.And YES because of the cheats.
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Old 08-30-2002, 09:58 AM
Northern Fox is offline Northern Fox
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Hmmm odd, I mean I've been playing TFD solid for about 4 days now and I've been coming across Player totals of 750 (At a rough average)
Also, at times, up to 1100 players.
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Old 08-30-2002, 11:45 AM
DevilDog#1 is offline DevilDog#1

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Just play Custom maps for a change

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Old 08-30-2002, 11:59 AM
disturbed is offline disturbed
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NW doesn't get it.... They update and update but they dont seem to understand. They need to switch their memory options instead of having a memory address that stays the same they need it to change everytime the person starts up the game. Until they do that they'll have cheats. It isn't hard to go and hack the memory it takes about 5 min to do it.
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Old 08-30-2002, 12:33 PM
Northern Fox is offline Northern Fox
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Originally posted by DevilDog#1
Just play Custom maps for a change
I have been Since the Nova servers aren't up (Though correct me if im wrong, but I cant see them )

I guess what I like about the Nova servers is that theres action for any role I wish to take (When the servers Full or near to being full)
16 vs 16 = lots of Action! (And I'd be talking about a server with a fairly low cheat level )

Having said that, I do prefer Public over Nova due to lower levels of cheats and somewhat higher levels of friendlyness (In otherwords I dont have to see myself being called a "Stupid nOOb" Just because I decided to shoot the guy coming at me with a knife.) Its just good to have a game once in a while where your against 16 players rather than a quieter game of against 5 IMO.
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Old 08-31-2002, 05:07 AM
zza1pqx is offline zza1pqx

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Originally posted by Northern Fox
I dont have to see myself being called a "Stupid nOOb" Just because I decided to shoot the guy coming at me with a knife
What is that all about.
I dont go into stats that often because of the stat junkie mindset. I once got 150 sniper kills before I relaised I was picking off knifers. They were going nuts LOL.
The other reason I dont play 'em is because I get accused every time I go in.
I wouldn't mind if I was elite because i'm not. As my favourite DF players sig once said, I am merely better then the average...
Best thing is being accused of cheats that are entirley arbitrary when it comes to proving.
Never been accused of jump cheating. ONly been accused of speed cheat once. (LOL n00b was prone at a spawn point and thought I had run around behind him )
Mostly I get NoFog accusations or MAGscope....

I challenge any half decent player to go into Stats at the moment and try and spot at least as many incidences of cheating as incidences of you yourself being accused of cheating.

I bet you come out with ratios of 1 cheat to 45 accusations against yourself.

Also any n00b who thinks the best way to avoid cheats is to avoid nova has either never played any other online game or honestly believes Nova to be bad for cheats because they think they can spot a DF cheat but not in any other game.
You can't. You have been sucked into the bull**** rumour that is DF cheat prevelance.

I host regularly and my server is reasonably popular. I have used my BAN command twice. Once for a guy with a speed cheat and once for the numpty that accused me of having an aimbot....
Honestly, what a tit he was.

Anyone using their BAN command more than their gun has either been targeted as a source of amusement by cheats, cant shoot **** (otherwise youd just shoot the cheats, hell man server advantage is more effective than most trainers anyhow), or simply has been drawn into the BS that is accusing people because you think you know what a cheat is.

Im glad you are leaving DF because people like you ruin stats for me by screaming cheat and punt me out of public servers just because I shoot better than they do. All bollocks.

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Old 08-31-2002, 06:30 AM
Northern Fox is offline Northern Fox
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The Knife thing happens in public as well, but for me, its rare to see compared to Nova servers.
I don't really knife fight because about 60% to 70% of the time, I come out as the sliced one So I don't see why I should risk giving the other team 3 points or lose the 8 minutes and 53 seconds of Zone time that I've picked up on a 10 min counter.
At the end of the day, I like to win (I don't play to win all the time like) And if a blokes coming at me with a knife, Bang Bang goes my SA80
I'll knife, but only if Im sure of a good chance of coming out of it, the Unsliced one I.E Sniper hunting.

If I've pulled a knife on someone and they Shoot me or throw a nade in my face, fair enough, I wont call them a nOOb for it, I have more important things to do....like getting my Revenge >:-) or Winning my zone back

I know one thing though, I wont be leaving DF just because their servers are down at the minute. When I leave, it'll be because I'll moving on with my life, and even then I'll probably end up buying a laptop with an Internet conn, and hey presto! Im Back
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Old 09-02-2002, 03:10 AM
chief*ADFP* is offline chief*ADFP*
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poor guy you all don't get it yep you can be the greatest thing in the game thats good and all but we was talking about the newbie coming into the game they come in novaworld server see a cheat hell they gone for good and talk about to other's don't buy it full off cheaters even if they feel it full of cheaters. and see a person cheating they going to ether like to know how he did that then he going to ether get it to use or trash the game. end novalogic pays in the long run.personnaly i have play other game area online yep most do host them even the older games still have host for them hell DF-Serials is not the only game online get real.

and hell do a cheater report i feel its a cheap fix 9-10 nothen happen till its too later not same if there was a host in it..if nova hosted all there game and the word gets out a lot more people will buy it the word of mouth is a plus to sales.

anyway im personnaly sick of all the crap in it.

P.s i never every call anyone a cheater i leave before i get mad when i think there are cheaters in the game..DF-Serials
are the best but it could be lot better then what its is to day.
AKA: Hellfighter, Chief ADFP, William NHq, Obraino, chief*ADFP* and "threefooter"
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Old 09-03-2002, 06:25 PM
XenoMorpH is offline XenoMorpH
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Cheaters...Cheaters... Cheaters........Almost Every post ends with a discussion about cheaters! You can't do nothing about those damn cheaters......Not us anyway!

DF is 1 of the most gifted games there is. It's not the graphics which makes this game, but the game-play. The single players isn't much, but the multiplayer is greate. If I compare DF with Q3 or UT, I say Q3 and UT are games where people need fast reactions or much jumping, just to make sure they won't get hit, or most of the time they need LUCK killing their opponent before they got killed themselves shot, hoping their health is still in good state just to find a health-pack.

DF is more realistic: no health-bar (ur dead in about 2-3 hits wearing a bullit-proof vest), real guns, open terrain....

I do play UT also, but it doesn't has the "THING" DF has......

I hope the discussion about cheaters will finally end, don't make them get 2 ya.......

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Old 09-05-2002, 05:12 PM
dude is offline dude
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Angry Well how cant...

How cant you make cheaters get to you, they ruin the game toataly. In a degree that people are leaving the game. i was playng tonight and there was 11 pages on public and 4 out of 5 servers where 0 out of 16 players on. So there was probably more like 4 to 5 full pages that is what I call a ruined game. Cause people dident leave DF because of the gameplay or graphic issues but because of cheats.
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Old 09-05-2002, 05:41 PM
zza1pqx is offline zza1pqx

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Im leaving because I cant get away with just skill anymore.
I have to put up with bull**** accusations that my 2 years solid playing that has built up my reactions and knowledge is nothing compared to the demand that I must be cheating.

I have never given a monkeys about cheaters and not many of the really good players I spoke to do. Its the constant bick bick bickering that I and my buddies have to put up with just to play a game.

You lot dont want a game of no cheats. You want a game of no deaths and I for one am tired of it.

It is perhaps fitting that the number one DF resource site is going to fade out at the same time as my interest in the game.

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Old 09-06-2002, 07:03 AM
Desciple is offline Desciple
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Personally guys, I haven't visited the stat games at all since in DFLW, I saw a woman flying through the air. Unassited, I might add. Just flying around up there like she was super woman with a SAW.

Since that day, I knew I was stupid or just seeing things and vowed never to return.

Cheaters are everywhere. It's their way of life. There is a certain thrill for them to just tick the players off whom have trained and spent alot of hours perfect their techniques. There is no need to complain, discuss or cry about them. We all have the option to leave, play on, or what ever else we feel like.

Lag has been one of the largest contributers to the whole "cheater" ordeal. As veteran players, we all know and dismiss this almost instantly. However, the increasing young age of players reared in the (what i call) the selfish generation, do not think that anyone could possible be better equiped or have better techniques than they.

Personally, I am sick and tired of hearing veteran players debate, whine and moan about this issue. Build yourselves an enormouse squad and only compete internally. This is one way to cut down your daily issues with other players.

These are my opinions. If you don't like them, you can kiss my rosey red cheeks, right smack in the middle.
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I have lost my mind, can you help me?

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Mark 8:34-38 And he called to him the multitude with his disciples, and said to them, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it;and whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it. For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? For what can a man give in return for his life? For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of man also be ashamed, when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."
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Old 09-06-2002, 01:01 PM
DevilDog#1 is offline DevilDog#1

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Ok here's what I think. Cheaters are there. They have been there, and will be there. The reason most people buy a DF game is because they want to enjoy the experience different! Well, you can only do it if you ignore the flying gals and speeding guys!
I personally had an experience similar to CU's and then I left, never to return to TFD stats! But then I realized that way the cheaters would win! So, I said, the heck with them and now once in a while I goto Lock and Load. Yes I've seen some lagging and speeding funky stuff, but that won't get me down, because I'm here to stay!
As someone in BHD movie said, "Its all about the guy next to you!" The more of "good guys" stay and play, the better will be the gaming experience.

If I don't do that doesn't mean I can't - DD#1
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Old 09-08-2002, 03:33 AM
Ice Cannon is offline Ice Cannon
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bf 1949.. neva heard of it...

is it anything like bf 1942??
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Old 09-13-2002, 08:24 PM
Matt is offline Matt


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Delta Force is not dying, it is way to popular. I agree that it has been slipping since the release of TFD. But when the full version of BHD comes out, it will be a whole new ball game. The DF game has had basicly the same gameplay since DF1. But not BHD has added a different type of warfare, Urban Warfare. A lot more fun, and takes much more skill. Also, the use of helicopters and humvies is also a brilliant idea. To add to all the talk about being accused of cheating only happens when real n00bs get pissed cuz their gettin owned by the 1337 (Leet). It happens, deal with it and play the game.

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Originally posted by Panther
For your sence of free speech, we will control how much you have here .
Originally posted by Steve
fak i clicked it to lol.

the message "this will disable it" should have been put before

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