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By t3K|Mac Version 1.0 1,190 Downloads Website Added 09/28/2004 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX, JOTR, JOE File Name: JO_ServerStatusPHP-v1.0.zip

DFX / Joint Operations Server Status Script JO-Status
With this PHP script you are able to show the status of your favourite JO: TR, JO: E and/or DF: X servers at your site.
Shows you the following information:
map time left
current/next map (with pictures)
how many players are in the server
the names of the players and the team where they in
player ping times, player class, player kill/deaths
Works with:
-JO: E
-JO: Reality MOD
-DF: Xtreme

By t3K|Mac 1,705 Downloads Website Added 09/28/2005 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX, JOTR, JOE File Name: JO_PHPRat-v3.0.zip

DFX / Joint Operations JO-PHPRat
Features of JO PHP Rat v3.0:

Extremely fast
Kick/ban/kill/zero/swap/screenshot players with reason
Spectators are displayed separately in playerlist
Direct rat command execution
Edit gamesettings (serverpassword, teampassword, gametime, autobalance, startdelay, ...)
Edit missionlist (add, sub, clear, ...)
Edit weaponsettings (enable/disable weapons)
Supports multi-gameserver PunkBuster control (enable/disable, screenshotdelay,screenshotquality, ...)
Read and write ingame chats
Works with:
-JO: E
-JO: Reality MOD
-DF: Xtreme