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By bearforce.de Version 1.3 Patch 1,451 Downloads Website Added 08/10/2009 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX File Name: BFM-v1.3Patch.exe

DFX Bear Force Mod (BFM Mod) v1.3 Patch
Update BFM to v1.3. You must have v1.2 FULL installed before installing this update. http://novahq.net/mods.php?ID=403

Click here for install help

By bearforce.de Version 1.2 FULL 2,432 Downloads Website Added 03/04/2007 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFX File Name: BFM-v1.2FULL.exe

DFX Bear Force Mod (BFM) v1.2 FULL
Click here for install help

Changes in the HUD Section:
V9TE-MED for Delta Force Xtreme Full Version

New primary weapons:
Shotgun (sustained fire)
AK47 (sustained fire and independent fire)
AK47/GP-25 (sustained fire, independent fire and mortar)
AK74 (sustained fire and independent fire)
AK74-Thermal (sustained fire and independent fire)
AK74/GP-25 (sustained fire, independent fire and mortar)
FN-FNC (sustained fire, burst of fire, independent fire)
G3 (sustained fire and independent fire)
G36 (sustained fire and independent fire)
M4-Thermal (sustained fire and independent fire)
M4/203 (sustained fire, independent fire and mortar)
P90 (sustained fire and independent fire)
MP5/10 (sustained fire and independent fire)
PKM (Machine Gun)
RPK-74 (Machine Gun)
M240 (Machine Gun)
M60 (Machine Gun)
L115A (marksman gun with zoom lens)
M21 (marksman gun with zoom lens)
M21-Thermal (sniper rifle with zoom lens)
PSG1 (sniper rifle with zoom lens)
SR-25 (sniper rifle with zoom lens)
SVD (sniper rifle with zoom lens)

New secondary weapons:
Anti- Tank Mine
FIM-92A Stinger (ground to air rocket with tracking)
RPG7 (Antitank grenade launcher)
Body Armor
M224 60mm Mortar
Javelin (ground to ground rocket with tracking)

New Vehicles:
Apache Gunship like KA-52
Abrams M1A2 tank like T-80
Civilian Taxi

Additional Features:
The M4 got now an aim laser.
Shot-(!) and Loading Sound for the T80.
Ammunition of the AT4 up on 3 rockets.
M60 on the zodiac works now too.
Helicopters with rockets can shoot now.
And the Ka-52 has a Gunner with MG and rockets now

New Terrains:
10 new Terrains for DF:X added by Cavebear exported from JO:E

The MEDPACK is now on Key 2 and can be used infinitely.
- New Compassring created by Cutter-s8-.
- New HUD Icons for most vehicles.
- New HUD Icons for some Weapons.

Changes in the Vehicle Section:

- Apache Gunship is now available.
- Abrams M1A2 Main Battle Tank is now available.

Changes in the Weapon Section:

- New Secondary Weapon for the Apache Gunship (Hellfire-Rocket with tracking).
- New Secondary Weapon for the Hokum Gunship (Vikhr-Rocket with tracking).
- Cleaned up Scopes of the G36 and P90.
- Change of clip size and Ammo at some Weapons.

Changes in the Game Section:

- 20 free chooseable Ingame Avartars.
- 13 New mission goals for Coop Maps.
- New Ingame Stats created by Cavebear-HB-.
- The 7 Exp Terrains created by SoniDeath.
- New Design for all Power-ups created by TOUROK
- 5 New Power-up Boxes (Javelin, Stinger etc.)

Changes in the Map Section:

- 300 New Items and Decoration.
- Now Rats available created by Cavebear-HB-.
- Now Piranhas available created by Cavebear-HB-.
- And some little surprises. Very Happy
- Now Single Shot Javelin Bot available.
- Now Single Shot Stinger Bot available.

By De Buurman 421 Downloads Added 08/30/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD File Name: Parachute tutorial.doc

Delta Force Parachute Tutorial
A multi player and single player parachute tutorial by De Buurman

By De Buurman 539 Downloads Added 03/12/2008 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF1, DF2, DFLW, DFTFD File Name: DF2mappingFX.zip

Delta Force Special Mapping Effects & Methods
Collection of tutorials by De Buurman on how to do various non-standard map effects, includes many sample maps. This is based on the Df2 game but might be working for the other DF games.

Tutorials include:
Parachute Tutorial
Shading Tutorial
Special Mapping Effects
Teleport & Assigning Tutorial

Includes sample missions: POW XIII.bms, POW Q.mis, S.O.S.mis, Pagode.mis

By jojo2971 38 Downloads Added 10/02/2023 1 Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: BHD_French_Voices.zip

French Voices For Black Hawk Down
French Voices For Black Hawk Down

Some versions of the game translated into other languages have become innaccessible and have not been updated to the latest version.
With a little manipulation you can change the language by replacing some files and get a good result.
As I am lucky to have access to this version of the game I was able to extract the sounds to share them with many people.

To install the voices, you have two solutions.
- Put all the .wav files into the game folder
- Create a shortcut of dfbhd.exe
- Right clic on the shortcut and go to Properties
- At the end of the "Target" line write /d with a space in front of it, clic on Apply and OK then test

- Replace the .wav files into the file localres.pff, you need a PFF editor to edit this file

Team Sabre does not seem to contain a version in french so the missions of the extension will always be in the original language.


Voix Françaises Pour Black Hawk Down

Certaines versions du jeu traduites dans d'autres langues sont devenus inaccessibles et n'ont pas été mis à jour à la dernière version.
Avec un peu de manipulation vous pouvez modifier la langue en remplaçant certains fichiers et obtenir un bon résultat.
Comme j'ai la chance d'avoir encore accès a cette version du jeu j'ai pu extraire les sons pour les partager au plus grand nombre.

Installation :
Pour installer les voix, vous avez deux solutions.
- Mettez tous les fichiers .wav dans le dossier du jeu
- Créez un raccourci de dfbhd.exe
- Faites un clic droit sur le raccourci et allez dans Propriétés
- A la fin de la ligne de "Cible" écrivez /d avec un espace devant, cliquez sur Appliquer et OK puis testez

- Remplacez les fichiers .wav dans le fichier localres.pff, vous aurez besoin d'un éditeur de PFF pour éditer ce fichier

Team Sabre ne semble pas contenir de version en français donc les missions de l'extension seront toujours dans la langue d'origine.

By jojo2971 25 Downloads Added 10/06/2023 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHD, DFBHDTS File Name: BHDTS_French_Texts.zip

French Texts for Black Hawk Down and Team Sabre
French Texts for Black Hawk Down and Team Sabre

Some versions of the game translated into other languages have become inaccessible and have not been updated to the latest version.
With a little manipulation you can change the language by replacing some files and get a good result.
As I am lucky to still have access to this version of the game, I was able to extract the original french texts and update them to be compatible with Team Sabre and not have invisible text.
Team Sabre does not seem to contain a version in french, so I myself translated the missions of the extension except for the mission briefings that appear when loading before the mission begins.
As these are images (.pcx files) it is more complicated to replace the original text with translated text.

Installation for Black Hawk Down and Team Sabre:
Before any manipulation make a copy of your game folder in order to keep the original and be able to go back in case of problem!
To install the texts, you have three solutions.
- Put all the .bin and .pcx files into the game folder
- Create a shortcut of dfbhd.exe
- Right clic on the shortcut and go to Properties
- At the end of the "Target" line write /d with a space in front of it, clic on Apply and OK then test

- Replace the .bin and .pcx files into the files localres.pff (for Black Hawk Down) and EXP1.pff (for Team Sabre), you need a PFF editor to edit this file

You will need a PFF editor
- Create a custom .pff file, name it with a simple name (for example French.pff) then place it in the "mod" folder located in the game folder (create it if it does not exist).
- Put all the .bin and .pcx files inside the .pff file
- Create a shortcut of dfbhd.exe
- Right clic on the shortcut and go to Properties
- At the end of the "Target" line write /mod NameOfYourMod with a space in front of it (ex : "C:..dfbhd.exe" /mod French), clic on Apply and OK then test

- The text file of Black Hawk Down for Med software has not been translated.
- You can find the text of the mission briefing of the loading screen also in the game by pressing the "G" key, This text has been translated.
- The mission 7 of Team Sabre contained practically no text for the mission briefing. However the text of the loading screen was complete, as it is the same information I therefore copied all the content and do a translation job to get a complete description in this mission.
- The mission 10 had differences between the game text and the loading screen. The briefing in the game seemed to have some errors and not very complete, so I made a mixed of the two texts to have more complete information in the mission.


Textes Français pour Black Hawk Down et Team Sabre

Certaines versions du jeu traduites dans d'autres langues sont devenues inaccessibles et n'ont pas été mis à jour à la dernière version.
Avec un peu de manipulation vous pouvez modifier la langue en remplaçant certains fichiers et obtenir un bon résultat.
Comme j'ai la chance d'avoir encore accès à cette version du jeu, j'ai pu extraire les textes originaux et les mettre à jour afin qu'ils soient compatibles avec Team Sabre et ne pas avoir de texte invisible.
Team Sabre ne semble pas contenir de version en français, j'ai donc moi-même traduit les missions de l'extension à l'exception des briefings de mission qui s'affichent lors du chargement avant que la mission commence.
Comme ce sont des images (fichiers .pcx) il est plus compliqué de remplacer le texte original par un texte traduit.

Installation pour Black Hawk Down et Team Sabre :
Avant toute manipulation faites une copie du dossier de votre jeu afin de garder l'original et pouvoir retourner en arrière en cas de problème !
Pour installer les textes, vous avez trois solutions.
- Mettez tous les fichiers .bin et .pcx dans le dossier du jeu
- Créez un raccourci de dfbhd.exe
- Faites un clic droit sur le raccourci et allez dans Propriétés
- À la fin de la ligne de "Cible" écrivez /d avec un espace devant, cliquez sur Appliquer et OK puis testez

- Remplacez les fichiers .bin et .pcx dans les fichiers localres.pff (pour Black Hawk Down) et EXP1.pff (pour Team Sabre), vous aurez besoin d'un éditeur PFF pour éditer ces fichiers

Il vous faudra un éditeur PFF
- Créez un fichier .pff personnalisé, nommez le avec un nom simple (par exemple French.pff) puis placez-le dans le dossier "mod" situé dans le dossier du jeu (créez le si il n'existe pas).
- Mettez tous les fichiers .bin et .pcx à l'intérieur du fichier .pff
- Créez un raccourci de dfbhd.exe
- Faites un clic droit sur le raccourci et allez dans Propriétés
- À la fin de la ligne de "Cible" écrivez /mod NomDeVotreMod avec un espace devant (ex : "C:..dfbhd.exe" /mod French), cliquez sur Appliquer et OK puis testez

Notes :
- Le fichier texte de Black Hawk Down pour le logiciel Med n'a pas été traduit.
- Vous pouvez retrouver le texte du briefing de mission de l'écran de chargement aussi dans le jeu en appuyant sur la touche "G", celui-ci a pu être traduit.
- La mission 7 de Team Sabre ne contenait pratiquement aucun texte pour le briefing de la mission. Celui de l'écran de chargement était complet, comme ce sont les mêmes informations j'ai donc copié tout le contenu et fais un travail de traduction afin d'obtenir une description complète dans cette mission.
- La mission 10 avait des différences entre le texte du jeu et de l'écran de chargement. Celui du jeu semblait avoir quelques erreurs et peu complet, j'ai donc fait un mixte des deux textes pour avoir des informations plus complètes dans la mission.

By DR.EVIL~TAG Version 1.2 1,860 Downloads Added 08/20/2007 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2 File Name: DF2Items02.exe

DF2 Item Viewer
This tool was created to ease the minds of new map makers and old for that matter on what some of the items look like before placing them into the med. The pictures in the tool were donated by §harpe from MMH, De Buurman and myself DR.EVIL~TAG. All pictures are based off the updated Df2medv43a. Varg for his sound description list. Q-Dad~TAG for his help and ideas Thank you for your support.

By FrANtik Version 1.0, 1.1, 1.1b 3,347 Downloads Added 05/06/2002 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFLW File Name: IP4LW.zip

DFLW IP4LW (All Versions)
Great tool to connect to games with a simple IP address... Works great for finding a friend to.

New features in 1.1:
- IP4LW will work right in computers with more than one monitor.
- "Suggested" button now sets the NW URL for LW 1.0.26.
- If user is German, IP4LW will show headlines from lawa-base.de.
- Users can set the delay between when LW is started and when keys are sent. (Configuration panel)
- New "Tools" menu, with option to see your own IP encrypted. Useful for hosts to publish their game without compromising their security.

By De Buurman 381 Downloads Added 08/05/2003 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD File Name: Teleport& Assigning tutorial.doc

Delta Force Teleport & Assigning Tutorial
This tutorial will enable Df2 mapmakers to teleport Guest players in Df2 and Assign all individual players to individual groups in the Med. It will open a whole scala of new possibilities for mapmakers and consequently for game play and game types.
Hopefully this will enhance Df2 a little again.