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By BOVA Version 2,444 Downloads Added 03/28/2004 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DFBHDTS File Name: TS_CoopMedicMod.zip

BHDTS CoopMedic Mod
updated: 3/26/2004
Author and creator
for this mod-BOVA

I have created this mod to enable all weapons for COOP Medics.
Just like all the weapons are enabled for the medic in DFTFD.
As a coop medic you will be armed to the teeth.
You will be able to use any and all weapons as a COOP Medic.

Here is what's on the menu:
Frag Grenades-5
Flash Bang-5
Smoke Grenade-5
AT4-2 rounds, fully scoped with crosshairs, magnifies up to 10x.

Stinger Missile-2rounds, fully scoped with crosshairs, magnifies up to 10x.

G36- removed red dot scope, weapon is fully scoped
with crosshairs, magnifies up to 12x.

PSG-1 is now suppressed and silent. Ammo 50.cal, it is also fully auto.

CAR15- removed red dot scope,
fully scoped with crosshairs and magnifies up to 12x.

CAR15 with 302 grenade launcher- Removed red dot scope,
fully scoped with crosshairs
and magnifies up to 12x. It now holds 12 grenades instead of 6.

M16- set on burst mode weapon is now fully auto.
M16/203- set on burst mode weapon is now fully auto
and now holds 12 grenades instead of 6.

Secondary Weapons-
Colt .45- fully auto.
M9 Beretta- fully auto.
shotgun- fully auto

Other changes- You can now jump up and down and your
weapon will not stop firing. Even while you are jumping
the weapon will continue to fire as long as you hold the
fire button. This feature has been added to all weapons.

Installation instructions:
Open zip file, copy and paste the CoopMedic
shortcut to your desktop. I have already added
the /d to the shortcut. You will bring up the game
with this shortcut.
Now open your game folder, copy and paste
the CoopMedic.pff into your game mod folder.
If you do not have a mod folder, create one and
name it mod. The shortcut has been made to work
with a mod folder. So do it this way.

You will know when a server is running my mod.
Under the mod section of the lobby it will read coopmedic.
Make sure you enter the server through my mod
or it will not work.

I hope you enjoy the mod.

Updated: Added the Stinger Missile Launcher.
Changed the scope magnification on the AT4
from 12x to 10x. This setting has less recoil
and is more accurate when firing.