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By Tom dfzone.be 5,625 Downloads Website Added 01/30/2008 Add Comment PermaLink
Supported Games: DF2, DFLW, DFTFD File Name: DisableVON.zip

DF2  / DFLW/ DFTFD VON Disable Patch
This patch will help you to disable VON (voice over net) what makes the game
crash at 'joining session' when you have a realtek high difinition sound card

How to use:
extract the disableVON.exe to your game folder
open it and select your game version
click 'start game' to launch the game
Normaly the program will go to player settings, disable VON and accept them
After that you can try to join a server if it doesn't work you should go to
player settings yourself and click the VON tab

If this patch doesn't work please report at dfzone.be