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Tutorials | DF1 Multiplayer Fix, How To Play DF1 online on NovaWorld
1,132 Views Added 04/22/2016 Add Comment PermaLink

Guide written by Sil

CD Install

  1. Install DF, duh!
      Open or remember the directory DF is installed to e.g
      C:/Program Files/NovaLogic/Delta Force
  2. Grab the following download:
      Includes pre-patched DF.exe with Update V1.00.03.03P, replacement startup.htm and netsock.dll.
  3. Extract the zip file to somewhere easy to locate and copy and replace all items in your DF directory.
  4. Boot DF.exe and start playing! Easy wasn't it!

Steam Install

  1. Grab the following download:
  2. Extract the zip file to somewhere easy to locate and leave the window open.
  3. Run Steam and follow the instructions below:
    1. Right click on Delta Force in Steam.
    2. Select Properties.
    3. Navigate to the Local Files tab.
    4. Select Browse Local Files.
      • The Steam directory for DF should now be open.
    5. Copy all files from the Lobby Fix directory.
    6. Paste into Steam directory and overwrite all existing files.
  4. Launch DF in Steam and start playing! Easy wasn't it!

Steam Video Guide

Note: Black screen on Join is pre-patch.