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By Uetsuuki DFBHDTS DM, TDM 9,318 Downloads Added 01/27/2020 Updated 01/28/20 Add Comment PermaLink

*3 armories in map.
**NOTICE, up the ladder you can jump to a container towards the edge of the map, please consider moving the outer container, or putting up some kind of block, the ladder can be removed to circumvent this.

-Notice will be removed when there is an update fixing this.

Max Recommended Players:
Deathmatch: 10-12 players
TDM: 5v5/6v6

Heavily tested map, no getting out of game area.
Tested on Deathmatch with 3 players.

Features a lot of angles to shoot from, and attention to detail.
Some details are out of the map, so you get some fresh air.

**There is a plane that flies past for added dynamics, remove it if you don't want it.