Thread: Far Cry!
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Old 06-07-2004, 09:34 PM
zza1pqx is offline zza1pqx

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I bought Far Cry a couple of days before the super pc arrived.
I have had so much to do I havent played it much until tonight I whipped through a couple of levels.
BADDOG is right in that the story line has been done before.
HalfLife had aliens from another dimension (as did Doom before it) and Geneticly created creatures loose on paradise islands?
Well I have seen a German MOD for FarCry that has dinosaurs on it so the leap of faith has already taken there.

In fact though it doesnt matter if the story has been done before, its the performance that immerses you and I am really enjoying the Far Cry experience.
Not certain it was worth paying two and a half grand for, but hey I can play other games on this machine too can't I?

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