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Old 07-21-2012, 02:54 PM
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 736

Originally Posted by Hellfighter View Post
only if the political (D) party nameless didn't say anything about Van in the Batman movie! reference to runner up nameless (R) party. i really think none of this would have happen!

i still its funny what political party will say or slam a movie that has no then to do with real life!

still i think them who said movie go inline with a evil person real life! i love to see them get sue over it for lies!

a lot of people said if these nutcase coming out of the woodwork around the batman movie they not going to go see it. thanks but no thanks type deal on the radio station live chat with the radio host! all agreed political talk about the movie should never happen, craze coming to screw it up for the rest of us!

this guy had buckets and buckets of bullets 5gal buckets and only had three weapons? rifle, shotgun and a hand hear a setup? what fool has 5gal buckets of ammo and many of them!

Good Post Cheif

We here in Australia just can't and never will figure out this <<TOTAL FASCINATION>> that the peoples of the USA. have with firearms, from down here it's just totally unbelievable. Yeah I keep weapons, at home, on the boat, whenever I go fishing/camping, I have used those weapons to defend myself my family and property, NO BIG DEAL, I live in the North Australia, it's tropical hot wet and bugs everywhere, and very aggressive kiwis and abo's, who will rob ya home in a blink of a minute, go out to the bush it's the same from king brown snakes, sharks, and crocs, a weapon is only good as the guy that uses it....just a tool
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