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Old 12-17-2005, 06:03 AM
Terry is offline Terry

Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 2,740

gotta agree tho. although nova have had their moments for good games... i think the best move for them now would be to ditch the vehicles.

i mean, lets face it, theres no way in hell they can ever compare with EA with battlefield is there. so i think they should focus on their knowledge of the american forces, and bring out a new game with oldschool delta force style missions.

everyone loves a nice simple shootem up when they're bored. if they brought out a new game with missions like they had on LW and BHD, but WITHOUT all the vehicles, i'd buy it. new guns and all on foot... gotta be the best move, otherwise they may as well bury themselves in the hole they've dug.

cmon nova, give us something

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