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Old 01-13-2002, 05:17 AM
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could well be pretty big sorry, it came on a magazine cover.

madonion dont sell anything apart from the proversion of the software on thrir site and basically just system testing software.

i think the site is for overclocking enthusiasts to see how fast you can get your computer running. just a bit of fun really.

you get ur result then you can compaire it to the thousands of ppl who have the same graphics card or processor to see if ur computer can run faster. if ur score is well down then you can get advice on how to make it better.

the reason i chose 3dmark200o over 2001 is because 2001 is designed to test cards that use directx8 features such as GeForce 3 and Radeon 8500 ( only card that uses DX8.1 features ). whereas 2000 tests DirextX7, which is what "the rest of us have" lol.
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