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Old 01-17-2009, 04:16 PM
ilsfe is offline ilsfe
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 3

DFXmed for JO\E, some problems

Hi, i am trying to make a single player map in jo\e dfxmed editor but i got some problems.
I write the briefing to the briefing window in "edit" dropdown menu but i don't see it in the mission. How to write it and where it will be?
When i put "NOT respawn in single player", die, restart the mission, i can't hear the engines of vehicles, in all versions of jo and joe.
Is it way to write new win conditions (like the win conditions in "general information" window)?
And the last, in the training bots get in vehicles drive and when they die they wait till the vehicles respawn get in them and drive again.When i try to do it they don't wait to the vehicles they just go to next waypoint or something like that. someone knows how to do it?
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