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Old 09-25-2019, 08:55 AM
Guest001 is offline Guest001
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Join Date: Aug 2008
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Is this a new concept or has it been done before?

It basically let's the user customize some of the mission objectives, whilst other scripts not shown here display them on the hud.

So if anyone has tried it I was just wondering if the response from players was welcome or not.

Mainly because it's a lot of work and tricks getting the map to work and suit this sort of thing, some of which includes ai respawning to keep the number of ai used in the map to less than 64.

If that makes it unappealing to fans of regular play I'd like to know.

//////////////////////////////////// *** START USER SETTINGS *** /////////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////////////// MISSION TIME
//////// 0 = off                    - For Tacticians (Involved) free time to engage at will
//////// 1 = 10 minutes             - For Perfectionists (Pressing) barely time to reach Ammo
//////// 2 = 20 minutes             - For Specialists (Testing) limited time to use Emplacements
//////// 3 = 30 minutes             - For Adventurers (Difficult) enough time to grab Med Packs
set(v31, 0)////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////////////// AI TARGETS
//////// 50 = recommended             max = 5300
set(v50, 50)///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////////////// AI SKILL LEVEL
///////// 0 = balanced              - ai accuracy ramping from 50% - 100%
///////// 1 = maximum               - ai accuracy remains 100%
set(v100, 0)///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////////////// STARTING HEALTH
//////////// 50                     - weak
//////////// 100                    - average 
//////////// 200                    - good
//////////// 400                    - strong
//////////// 1000                   - nearly invincible
//////////// 10000                  - almost godlike  
ssnhp(10000, 100)//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////////////// CLOCK OFFSET
//////// 0 = off                    - increments of 1 minute (not needed in current configuration)
set(v60, 0)////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////////////// ENVIRONMENT
floor(32,32,32)//                   - on
ground(99,99,99)//                  - on
;sun(250,255,240);                  - off
;sky(96,112,128);                   - off
/////////////////////////////////// *** END USER SETTINGS *** ////////////////////////////////////

Last edited by Guest001; 09-25-2019 at 09:02 PM.
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