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Old 08-02-2002, 06:53 AM
nike is offline nike
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Posts: 4

Yea Stevie I'd liked to of had it on wed but hey if they need to make an adjustment SO MORE PEOPLE WONT HAVE A PROBLEM PLAYING IT, then ill sacrafice 2 days for the benifit of others that might have had a problem and got stuck out in the cold cause the game wouldnt work, while i sat here playing up a storm on it enjoying myself. But hey i guess im a giver as much as a taker and you sir sound like a TAKER and an only child Mr. I26, probablly a young kid who thinks everything should be like fast food (quick and their way).

Originally posted by StevieB
i think it would be a case of it wouldn't run for some reason more than just a graphical glitch. don't get me wrong - i share your frustration but i'm sure it is worth waiting for.
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