Thread: GTA IV Joke
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Old 05-07-2008, 05:47 AM
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Originally posted by skinny killer
that game otta be banned.
Why? It's only entertainment. I know it's a controversial game, but cmon people, it's a game. Everyone makes such a big deal out of the games these days saying that they "corrupt our kids" and that "the kids that are being corrupted are our future" and other nonsense like that. The games don't corrupt kids anymore than what they see in their own homes.

Lets see. Do you think a kid would be more likely to grow up, get married and beat their wife by:

A. Playing a video game
B. Seeing his father do it

The answer is B. You can't tell me that what a kid sees in their own home doesn't affect the outcome of their lives more than a video game does. It affects their lives more than a silly video game ever will. So, why make such a big deal out of a video game and spend so much time trying to get it banned when there are kids out there who are witnessing their moms, sisters, step-moms, aunts, grandmas or whoever get beat by their husbands in their own homes. I say we spend more time trying to stop domestic violence rather than spend all this money trying to get a game banned.

The game is meant for entertainment, not to teach children how to grow up and become murderers. It's just a game, drop the whole "this game should be banned" stuff.
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.