Thread: [DFX] Another Map Thief
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Old 02-18-2019, 06:14 PM
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Originally Posted by 4rc28 View Post
Hi Stompem

Using existing maps to learn stuff, by slowly modify it, ect., is totally different than just changing the map title and the creator name and upload it again as ,,his"...

When I was a beginner I also started learning from others maps. But I did much more than a name change... I changed the map entirely. Desert to Snow, Libians to Russians, the whole base layouts, the buildings, the decorations, the number of enemies, the environment, the sky, added more events, ect. ect. ect. In this case, in the end it was nothing like the original at all. It seemed and acted like a different map. (still didn't bother to upload it, but thats just me) See, In this case I would say its OK.

But this was far from that...
That may be so my friend but perhaps I could mollify the situation a little by asking you to consider the following, you may find there's a small up-side to all of this after all.

There are various other extremes to taking license with a map design, like naming maps similarly or lifting sections from a map but remember it's the name of the mapper next to it that takes the final credit in the end.

Also on the the other side of the coin, map names can be duplicated validly as in "Operation Irene by Dingo" or "Drongo" or "The Mad Map Master" etc... and most likely they'd all be different interpretations and you see this as where your issue lies.

I think the clear interpretation of eula regulations and/or common law in this regard is murky at best, so we generally rely on an unwritten etiquette.

Yet, the definition of community acceptance is not easy to quantify.

On the down side for mappers in all of this and without casting any aspersions, in the long run, if a map gets mucked up, it's all the fault of the final author who has taken the credit alone and so, it will probably reflect upon them accordingly.
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