Thread: a little work
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Old 07-23-2009, 07:29 AM
varg is offline varg
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Originally Posted by EDGE View Post
A logo is the most important image a company could ever possibly possess. The object is to make it stick it so it catches people's attention. That is what the glasses and eyes do, they stick out. What was the first thing you noticed? The glasses right? That's what I wanted you to notice and I've succeeded in that.
Actually my eyes stopped at the eyes, because I didn't immediately understand what was going on there. It surely wasn't clear enough that I was looking at a pair of glasses it took a bit of time for me to understand it. Because of that distraction the name of the company did not really stick and I got "irritated" because I was handed a bit of information that was not crystal clear. Like when someone mumbles when they are speaking to you.

The big comic-like eyes are now your main focal point. Unless go-geek (or is it gogeek or maybe go geek??) are mainly into comicbooks or something like that, your logo is conveying the wrong message, you might just aswell have used comic sans as the font..

There's no reason to go all arrogant and say that your logo is perfect, and brush off an attempt at some constructive critique. I do actually know what I am talking about.

Oh and the pepsi logo. The shapes in the circle are abbreviated from the shape of the pepsi cola text in the early 1900s logos. Huge companies like pepsi or nike understood that when you mass-advertise in the way they do, people after a while no longer read the text but identifies the product just out of it shape. So choosing a distinctive, easily recognizable shape is very important. Unless the company you are designing this logo for have billions to spend on billboards and PR, then this strategy wont work as well for you. For a small business it's important to create a logo that really relates to the product or philosophy of the company. I do like the idea of the glasses. geeks wear glasses. geeks are good at some stuff. 'go-geeks' are good at some geeky stuff. It's just that it needs some refinement.

On a side note, if I had just seen the pepsi logo that you posted for the very first time. I would, because of the condensation beads on it, assume that is is a product that would help me if I was really hot (thirsty). The wave-like form might lead me to think that it is liquid..
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Last edited by varg; 07-23-2009 at 08:28 AM.
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