Thread: God or No god?
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Old 04-07-2004, 04:31 PM
FUÑÑY (*¿*) is offline FUÑÑY (*¿*)
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history ...... what is it???? HIS story !!!!!!!!

Faith is what we are talking about here.

some have it
some need it

it takes more faith to ASSume that people came from a big bang theory, a monkey, an amebea, a frog, or any other othe concoction you might dream up. humans are WWWWAAAAYYYY to complex for science to understand.

Think on this: many religions around the world... they all think that they are the right one and that their "God" is the correct one to serve.
CHRISTIANITY is the true religion!!!
WHY? because all other religions require man to do "something" to get to "heaven" but CHRISTIANITY doesn't ... Christ died for us so we don't have to pay that price ourselves.

He died to save you even if you don't believe in Him
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