Thread: [DFBHD] Baldo's New M60 Sight
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Old 07-21-2022, 08:22 AM
Oscarmike247 is offline Oscarmike247
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Originally Posted by Baldo_the_Don View Post
There's the greenish lens multiplyat layer. Over that is the multiplyat layer with the black lines, but here's the trick: I drew the illuminated bits on this layer in pure white! Over those two layers is the add layer with the illuminated bits drawn in mostly pure red with a dark red blurry border. There's the scope layer over all those, yeah, but it's transparent over the middle.

That scope .tga is used on a few other 1x optics, so I'd have to make a new version for this one, and since this is 5x mag., which is actually makes things six times larger, after what you've told me, the post really wouldn't be visible at all.

I wouldn't have known that. You've done me a service here, dude.

Attachment unrelated.

No prob. You could make a separate layer for the post for the 1x sights and just position it in the correct spot. So you dont need two full images. Not really saving much space but it gives you tge option to change it in the future also.

I replied on my G36 post with something you may find useful as well.
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