Thread: Barbarians!
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Old 05-20-2004, 11:25 AM
animal_mutha is offline animal_mutha
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Originally posted by ux*bb
Also i heard in the name of Islam , which i think is a religeon (im not good with other religeons sorry) doesnt make it look good for it either, they are not freedom fighters they are terrorists and every last one of them should be put through the same death as that poor man , who just wanted to help....
well... I'm a muslim & islam is my religion.... & trust me & i've read the whole quran & i know that whatever those dumba$$ terrorist did was sinful & our religion does not teach us to do such atrocities. Its blasphemy!!! And there's no such thing as blowing yourself up & kill innocent people will get u to heaven either.

but like i said.... he who controls the media...controls the minds of the world. u see an innocent man beheaded but u dont see hundreds headcounts of innocent victim lies dead in palestine. U see 2 airplanes crash thru a building & kills people by the hundreds in one day.... but u dont see hundreds of people lay dead every single week in palestine, afghanistan & iraq.

yeahh i do agree that these terrorist are vile brainless creatures but where does all this rage & hatred come from? every effect has its caused. they became terrorist when they themselves are being terrorized.

lets try... for once my friends.... do not judge to harshly based on media... just learn to love & repsect one another no matter what skin colour or religion they have. Make that change by starting wid the man in the mirror. yes... you!

last but not least.... in the words of the BLACK EYED PEAS... "Where is the Love".... Amen!!!
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