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Old 05-30-2005, 02:13 AM
Eagle_Eye is offline Eagle_Eye
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 125 has an installer mate..what it does is this..

Unzips 214 med pics, and a bat file to your selected DFX install

looks for the med.pff..if it can't find it, it stops..but it leaves the pcx files there..I suppose I should rewrite the bat so it deletes the files again if the med.pff is not present..

If it finds the med.pff, then itpacks all the pcx files, then deletes them..

If yours didn't pack, then you didn't have a med.pff file in your directory.

You found that out..LOL..

It's not a real good installer, but I'm not a programmer, lust a it will have to suffice for now..


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