Thread: Vietnam it is.
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Old 02-25-2010, 03:51 PM
Xx_jet_xX is offline Xx_jet_xX
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Originally Posted by .Simon. View Post
realistic, but you'd get really pissed off because theres nothing you can do about it. Games are all about control, people don't like things they can't control.
Yeah like everytime I play online people keep shooting me. dam that pisses me off!!! lol

FC2 had weapon jamming and it was downright annoying. they also had it where the weapon would wear out and the more it did that the more it would jam or it could get so worn it would explode on you. If you run out of ammo its best to just die so you get a new weapon because they start jamming close to the last clip and if you get more ammo they jam constantly or explode wich is worse.


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