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Old 06-09-2002, 02:39 AM
Black6~ODA~ is offline Black6~ODA~
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Angry What is it with people

I have been playing delta force since the the series started. I really mean this, i got DF1 within the month it came out, and ever since then I've gotten DF2 and LW on the exact days they came out. Well since I got back to the states I just had some time to play LW today and as soon as I got into a nova server, this squad called BOS started accusing me of shooting through and a hill! Now really I got a PSG-1 in a foggy map went prone on a hill and started shooting people that were in range, no sooner than when I got my first two kills this guy BOS Rogue says, "Quit shooting through the hill dumbass, i got a nice screen shot of it." Then his whole squad started cussing me out and when I asked why he thought I was cheating and why he was so made he would cuss me out and not give me a simple answer as to why he suspected this and as to why he was so mad at me. My point is this getting bad, these newbie squads are developing and they are all accusing people of cheating and glitching just becuase they are loosing or if someone on their own team is ahead of them in score they start making accusations and taking screenshots. I would also like to add, never have I cheated in any game and never has anyone I played with gotten mad at me and that is why asked them why they were so mad at me and why they thought I was cheating.
"Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarass my country."
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