Thread: Smoking Age
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Old 12-11-2005, 04:36 AM
BADDOG is offline BADDOG

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Originally posted by A TIN OF GAS
should be banned completely. but its not those that smoke that will die from it, its people like me who have NEVER even tried one in their lifetime, that will die from the passive smoking... really aggrivates me.

dont get nuffin out of it either, just a big loss of earnings and stinky fingers!!

90% of the people i work with smoke, do various forms of drugs, and drink, i dont get the point. ok i drink often, im very keen on my beer, but im not irresposible with it, but i dont get why people do drugs or cigarettes... BAN IT ALL!
Didn't someone ban alchohol in the 30's (you all know where)? Didn't that lead to organised crime rsing to power? I don't think any ban would work in fact it might increase the level of smoking if some people thought it was illegal after all heroin and cocaine are illegal drugs but are readily available every where.

I honestly don't believe a ban would work because some one some where would supply tobacco illegally.

Warm regards
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