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Old 07-07-2005, 09:57 AM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Sweden
Posts: 3,972

Yeah i've done it several times but i've never lived on nature during one trying to survive with only wolfs/wolfdogs as companions and raindeers land and our ansesters (not my ansesters unfortently but none the less, well those near me, my mothers father and mother lived of the nature but their ansesters are from Austria.) using my ansesters knowlage such as my Grandfather and Grandmother did while raising my mother and her siblings. Or my grandfather who took care of my his siblings after his mother and father left him while he still was just a teen taking care of his younger siblings, he was the most genures man i have ever come to know and hes a true Idol, he lived of the nature around him, survived arctic tepretures with just a fire to help him keep warm, using what the land gave him, such as animale hides to keep his family alive without any guidance in thaking care of cildren nor how to take care of himself as a child. Rasing his siblings and my parents (later on of course) through his woods, he was a forester all his life.

He died when I was 5 and i miss him like crazy!!!!

Never got to know my grandmother, who raised 7 children thought a life of the north, never thinking about herself but always on others. She lived a life of pains (both mental and fysikal through her worked out body and living to help others, with barley enough money to feed her kids)

Makes me think of how easy i have it now and smile about my trubbles in life

My photography website

Last edited by SilentTrigger; 07-07-2005 at 10:11 AM.
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