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Old 08-08-2010, 11:32 PM
Registered User

Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 736

They cup runnith over William.......(sarcy)
Perhaps, like many relize thay are running LATE, and need to throw bodies at it to get it out in time.

An oppotunity for some taleneted members to increase their earnings, and SPY for us at Nova naturally

I've just been playing the Aussie Army's (VBS2) Virtual Battlespace 2, (post to follow)
and Nova's got a LOT of catching up to do, in fact DFX2 is like some game from the days of win98, and although mapping in VBS2 is different and difficult, ther'es only about a dozen guys doing it in the world and selling their maps to the Aussie company that sells VBS2
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