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Old 01-27-2017, 08:48 PM
grenadier501 is offline grenadier501
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JO mod maker

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replying according to my likings and in the order you asked:

*i would preffer both health system, but make it vary depending on mission.
*Yes make Npc drop weapons on death so i have the chance to pick up one in case i'm running low of ammo on my default mission weapon.
*Player should throw grenades instantly with a realistic animation.
*Player should be able to melee with any weapons, plus of having melee only weapons like knifes.
*I would preffer it like in joint operations, 1st person only when on foot, 1st and 3rd person when driving vehicles.
*VR, nah
*Coop campaign? what a question. yeeess of course!! a game of this style is not a game if it doesn't have cooperative mode to me ;v
*also more realistic moves to the ai would be cool, and a navigation system so they don't get stuck on buildings or things. Make them melee attack when they're close to their enemies, that would be cool too.
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