Thread: Work out?
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Old 01-19-2009, 02:31 AM
Hellfighter is offline Hellfighter
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i never said you was fat lol

age and height play in it a lot,

go do some body building things like dead left is great way to build the body up fast, but have some one help you do dead lifting both take turns at it.

power ball is all so good and playing sport like football they train really hard too.

power ball is like dead weighted down a lot, not really a baby ball ether when throwing it around can knock you on your @ss real hard they do this in the U.K a lot to workout with, in the USA it drop out a lot almost no one use it.

i seen some use the power ball and not looking or don't catching it right they get knock out from it

think the power ball is like 90bls or heaver then that

handling a power ball you use your arms, back, legs almost all your body get a workout training with the power ball

i for got the name of the game were you slap a rubber ball on the walls, gee its been years i done it, think they call it backhand, you ware gloves and sweat suit of some type and you or a buddy go about beating that ball and try to ether beat it to death or score by hitting so it go pass your buddy to make points playing it when it pass him and hit the floor. talk about burning the body up and a sweet working out as will

there is a zone down let the ball hit the floor and in front the wall there about 3ft or 4ft from the wall its ok let the ball bonce on the floor up on the wall there, any closer to you lost of points.
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Last edited by Hellfighter; 01-19-2009 at 02:58 AM.
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