Thread: [BHD:TS] Uncap framerate
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Old 07-01-2022, 02:10 AM
devilsclaw is offline devilsclaw
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Posts: 76

One thing that had not been stated is which DF are you talking about. even though they are all evolution of the previous for the most part I know that late 90s to early 2000s that a lot of games did ticks based of the main game loop that would cap its self so that everything would work correctly.

BHD in the main game loop there is a simple jump in the code that one can ether force to always jump or to never jump and the game runs at as fast as your computer will allow. everything is then sped up including animations and if you run to fast over hills you will die due to collisions.

Also Single player Game Loop and multi player may be different. not sure its been a long time.
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