Thread: Skins and meds
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Old 10-29-2003, 01:40 AM
JèrséÿÐèvíL is offline JèrséÿÐèvíL
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 65

Actually the skins are different for the teams your just not looking hard enough.The side your on regardless of red or blue always has Desert Camo (tan) and the opposing team always has Woodland Camo (green)
the people on the other side (red or blue) also see it this way in otherwords to them they and there teamates are the ones wearing Desert Camo and You apear to be wearing Woodland Camo to them.

Which the more I think about it is retarded on novas part.It should be the other way around.I don't need my teamates to blend better with there enviorment and my enemys to stick out with that green.Wheres the challenge in that?

As for user made character skins in MP games I think its a bad idea.Too many possibilities for abuse. (Boo Boo and his buddies usong Neon Pink skins comes to mind)

However good ones ,when packaged with a mod like the 666 one for DFLW they can be good.
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