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Old 01-25-2007, 01:37 PM
Bustin is offline Bustin
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DF2 Forever

Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Massachusetts
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Stevie, I am a manager at Gamestop here in the is a game store. Dude do not count on that information to be remotely accurate as far as the launch titles.

The Playstation 3 is the biggest system failure I have seen so far. Literally...the Sega Dreamcast had a better launch that the Playstation 3 has.

This system is so bombing that Sony's stocks were down by 20% since Christmas. CNN Money has been all over this incident.

That article there, where you copied it from is complete bull****. They didn't even come close to a successful launch here in the states. They came in dead last, and my store hasn't sold a single one in the past 6 weeks because of how many problems the Playstation 3 has.

I bought mine the day it came out...and returned it 3 days later and bought an Xbox 360. I am so glad I did. In those 3 days I went through 2 PS3 systems. Both had problems, different problems.

I seriously advise anyone and everyone from buying a Playstation 3, it's 600$, buy a Xbox 360 and 4 games for the same price!
DF2 Forever!

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