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Old 07-14-2020, 06:48 PM
Guest001 is offline Guest001
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Originally Posted by jabo1SFH View Post
sounds good. yeah, steam is similar to, but not totally as extensive, as epic's file structures.

I agree - found it hard to keep builds stable - had to leave them for possible future projects.

I paid an outright sum for the engine source, so I have no monthly subscription but then again there's no support either.

I'd say the other engines are in a higher class of stable than mine but they couldn't offer the freedom I can give you with this engine.

That being said there are compromises with this engine as in most engines.

Also this is where I say what a fantastic job NL did.

The interesting thing about this solution is that it's in LUA.

I think it's safe enough for me to post it here because the interpreter is proprietary and the variables are custom created, making them no use in any other program, though it can be used as a working example for budding codejocks.

-- User: Stompem
-- Date: 6/03/2020
-- Time: 6:37 PM
-- Type: Coding | Edit
-- Task: Application Init

Application.SaveValue("App:", "License", "LicenseCheck",valid);
eIntOpt32.release.objtask.param = File.DoesExist("Bin\\Deployment.lic");
eIntOpt32.release.objtask.param2 = File.DoesExist("Bin\\Valid.lic");
TargetExists = Folder.NotVirtual.Folder.Does_Exist(_SourceFolder_IsNotVirtual.Folder.."\\Product");
valid = 1;

if TargetExists == false then
	Dialog.Message("False", "Product folder does not exist! Creating folder now...");
	CopiedToTarget = true;

if TargetExists == true or CopiedToTarget == true then
	strProductFolder = (_SourceFolder_IsNotVirtual.Folder.."\\Product");
	Dialog.Message("True", "Product folder exists OK!");
	File.SetPermissions(strProductFolder, GRANT_SID_ACCESS_EVERYONE, ROOT_SUB_CHILD, INHERIT, eIntOpt32.release.objtask);
	TaskCompleted = true;

if TaskCompleted == true

	if (eIntOpt32.release.objtask.param == true) and (eIntOpt32.release.objtask.param2 == false) then
		File.Run("Bin\\CheckInstallation.exe", "", "", SW_SHOWNORMAL, false);
		eIntOpt32.release.objtask.param3 = true;
		eIntOpt32.release.objtask.param4 = false;
	if (eIntOpt32.release.objtask.param == false) and (eIntOpt32.release.objtask.param2 == true) then
		File.Run("Bin\\CheckLicense.exe", "", "", SW_SHOWNORMAL, false);
		eIntOpt32.release.objtask.param3 = false;
		eIntOpt32.release.objtask.param4 = true;
	if (eIntOpt32.release.objtask.param3 == true) and (eIntOpt32.release.objtask.param4 == false) then
		DialogEx.Show("intDialog1", true, nil, nil);
		var240 = 1;
		int32 = true;
	if (eIntOpt32.release.objtask.param3 == false) and (eIntOpt32.release.objtask.param4 == true) then
		DialogEx.Show("intDialog2", true, nil, nil);
		var240 = 2;
		int32 = true;
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