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Old 05-08-2018, 05:36 PM
blk magic is offline blk magic
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 17

It would do well so long as it was marketed properly. Open world shooter. Enough people would recognize the Delta Force name to remember and know what it is. I'm not entirely sure it would be a HUGE hit and compete right out of the gate with COD/BF/CSGO/OverWatch/Fortnite/PUBG. But I think it would be successful as it wouldn't likely need a big budget to make/complete the game.

It would need to emphasize competitive play so all areas of the game have to be balanced. Maps and guns. An excellent anti-cheat system, either third party or proprietary. Always the ACP needs to be updated regularly/often.

Since the hallmark of a DF game is open maps and long distance gunfights, you cannot have massive amounts of recoil and bullet spread. If you are trying to hit a target 600m away (a tiny target), how on earth would you hit him when your bullets fly around randomly. So they have to be 'lase-like' with the player having to compensate for gravity of course like the days of old.

As far as battle royale, I have no clue as to why that is a genre now. To me, its a gametype, not a genre. Having that game type in DF is fine I suppose. Doesn't hurt to have game type options.

And no vehicles indeed. You can put them in a JO remake/sequel.

Edit: Oh and no remakes. BHD maps were, IMO, bad. I know it was based off of Somalia etc. But a lot the maps played like COD. More urban and less open. When you go outside of the city, the map was completely flat with that dense fog to prevent sniping. Just a bit lame IMO. There were better maps with some hills along the outside. The spawns were still close so it was still a bit CQB and hosts still skipped it because it was a 'lame sniper map'. I guess the hills made it a sniper map.

Last edited by blk magic; 05-08-2018 at 05:47 PM.
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