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Old 08-14-2021, 08:46 PM
jabo1SFH is offline jabo1SFH
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Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: AZ
Posts: 448

ok, try this:

in your BHD directory is a file called dfv.cfg. this is the game configuration for bhd(same as game.cfg for joint ops). you can open and save in notepad.

find this part:

mp_eula_accepted = 1
mpattrib = 14854
mp_gameport = 0
mp_vonport = 0
mp_usealtnwport = 0
join_password = ""
host_password = ""
team_password = ""

change the mp_gameport to the port you assigned the host machine to in your router settings.

see if that works.

if that does not work, try this:

player_index = 0
preempt_pff = 0
whichbrowser = 0
country = ""
msg = ""
red_password = ""
blue_password = ""
yellow_password = ""
violet_password = ""
mp_verbose = 1
play_exit_credits = -1
mp_NoCharAbilities = 0
mp_NoCrossHairSpread = 0
mp_NoScopeDrift = 0
mp_NoWeaponRecoil= 0
mp_gpsicons = 0
mp_wind = 0
mp_DroppedWeaponDisappear = 0
mp_NoDropWeapons = 0
mp_NoRespawnWithPrimary = 0
mp_ServerGamePort = 0
mp_ClientGamePort = 0
AltLock = 1
AltLockType = 1

change the mp_ServerGamePort to the one assigned in your router.

try each one separately.

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