Thread: [BHD:TS] Teammate AI issue
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Old 06-26-2021, 08:28 PM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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Baldo's Folly is not my best work. I've got... just counted twelve different mods for DFBHD on my crate right now, I'm actively editing three or four of them at any given time, and it's pretty much weapon tweaks, new sight targas, edited sight targas, DFVGame.lwf balances, that tiny bit of reskinning with the sidearms, and my latest tricks are a Beretta edited into a Raffica, and destroyable walls, barricades, and fences.

Oh, and editing .wavs in Audacity. Gun sounds mostly. So many mods have almost good weapon sounds that are terribly implemented, and I'm trying all kinds of things to improve them. I'm not unhappy with my results.

It's all suffering under the same thing that caused this reply to take so long: I'm a bit scatterbrained these days.

As far as I can tell at the moment, none of the sites that have the Baldo's Folly mod are up.

Making new items for DFBHD is tricky 'cause the vanilla game actually has an item limit. The TIO Coop team edited .exes increasing that limit for game and MED alike (it's one on my favorite mods, by the way). A modder quickly hits that limit and has then to decide: stop there or replace vanilla items. That would make campaign and MP maps from the original unplayable, so new maps would need to be made. That's a lot of work.

That brings us to the next problem: installing mods for DHBHD is a bit of a process, and a lot of players hate the complication. If it was just install/click play, that'd be great, but most players trip up at adding the /d tag to the shortcut target line. That why I'm convinced that only modders play mods, 'cause if I may paraphrase either Eagle_Eye or TedSmelly, I misremember who said it, but we can't make DFBHD mods numpty-proof.

Modding DFBHD is a real waste of time on so many levels. I do it 'cause I can't not do it, but it's an art doomed to be lost, no chance of profit, and little appreciation.

I make beautiful sight targas, though.
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