Thread: [DFX] Another Map Thief
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Old 02-18-2019, 08:25 PM
Baldo_the_Don is offline Baldo_the_Don
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I've BMS2MISsed a lot of maps. I've always been tediously careful to preserve the author's credits, no matter how crap or brilliant the original is, and I've never claimed another's work as my own.

That's my personal stand on the ethics of map editing.

But I've accepted that some people are fine with taking what they want when they find it. I'm pretty sure I've seen my sight targas in videos of other people's mods. I've given permission to at least one guy to do so. You can't really stop them, so it's healthier for your state of mind to accept that NeverLogic's EULA has already claimed legal ownership of everything produced by anybody with the MEd.

We live in an age of gaming where Bobby Kotick can brag about EA making record bank, then fire 800 people to cut costs and appease investors. An army of game makers thrown to the sharks while the CEOs make millions in bonuses. It's insane.

Kids... if you want to have fun and be creative and make some maps, know that if your stuff is good, someone will try to steal it. Hell, if your stuff is just okay, probably even more will try to steal it, 'cause great maps get famous and players take note of the authors, but mediocre maps that no one will miss will pad your stats nicely, I'd guess.

But if you're in it for fortune and glory, then know there is none to be had, and if you're looking to not be stolen from, best not share your work.

I don't know, man. I live in a world where Lemmy died; Brexit can be stopped, but it won't be; and my cat's eighteen years old and fading. I cannot believe Trump is president, during the day, before lunch and the coffee is working, but then the sun goes down and I think of the Mandela effect and three-leaf clovers and how I never drank, smoked, or did drugs, but I ended up in chemotherapy in 1999 anyway, and I realize, well, how could Trump NOT be president in this reality?

When I heard Bowie died, I swear, my first thought was, "What? He can't be dead, he's David Bowie."

By which all of the above proves I'm in no fit mind to judge any of this $#i7. Sorry I wasted your time.
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Last edited by Baldo_the_Don; 02-18-2019 at 08:29 PM. Reason: It's all too real, you know?
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