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Old 11-16-2002, 05:13 PM
zza1pqx is offline zza1pqx

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I never used the awsd configuration.
I would like to have learned in the early days because I found weapon switching a nightmare using scroll mouse, however I am now well able to do all the things as fast as an ASWaD player because it is what I have learned to become competent at.
I have a 5 button mouse too and the left thumb button takes me straight back to primary weapon from whatever im messing about with. Right one I use for Wilco.

My jump is control and crouch is shift, reload is enter.
In more complex games I sometimes set the INsert, Home, Delete keys for something but not often as for most games the need to turn on nightvision, fix jams or whatever is not needed at 0.001 seconds response time and I can find N, B, G or whatever really quick anyway now.

In terms of the Strightbacked Double Jump etc etc, The animation for the character in the air is bolt uprightwith the legs hanging limp. You don't notice that you are doing it because you dont see your legs in first person view and you don't see how laggy you look to someone on 56k (lol) in Australia.

I think its important not to rant about things being lame, if you are not sure what it is thst you are talking about.
Resetting your keys so you can easily achieve a double jump???? Where the hell did you hear that corker?

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