Thread: Rant
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Old 12-21-2010, 07:08 AM
SilentTrigger is offline SilentTrigger

Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Sweden
Posts: 3,972

I agree in a way, the airport isn't a hotel. But as with all business agreements the company has a set of rules/laws to abide. Just as you have when buying for example a camera. It should function as it's intended and in the form it was advertised.

If the camera does not comply to the intended function you should be entitled to either have it fixed, replaced or you should be entiteld to have your money back.

Same goes for the airlines, they have advertised that you should be flying with an airplane at a fixed day and time. This a contract between you and the airline. In case of snow or as before an vulkanic eruption you are entitled to be reembersed as the airline broke the contract, you will not be flying with that company on that set time and date to a set destination. You should either get your money back for the canned flight or you should if you are far from home and the delay passes a day or two you are entitled to be reembersed for hotell aswell as food cost during the remaining time.

However it is not the airports responsability to do this, it's the airlines. The airport is however responsible to reemberse the airlines if they can not keep the runways open there by not upholding the slot times that the airlines are paying for.

You could argue Force Majeure, but as seen with the Icelandic incident it's not that easy for the airlines to shout Force Majeure and then be without responsability however much they write it into their contracts.

This is by Swedish laws and there may be local differences but I do remember that EU said something regaring reembersment as of the Icelandic incident. Can't remember exactly what they said as to what the airlines ware responsible of as it was a long time ago and the memory is failing me on that point.

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