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Old 03-05-2005, 09:52 PM
zza1pqx is offline zza1pqx

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eek Brothers in Arms

Ever since the Normandy Landing set piece in Medal of Honor I have been looking for a game that matches the intensity that that one scene provided, imo one of the best set pieces in gaming history.

It looks like they have finally done it.

Take a look at the movie at the bottom of this page, the E3 demo.

Sheer class.
I always thought it important that as games got more sophisticated, they be more authentic and historically accurate, rather than just milking the struggle of others for fun and profit.
This looks like it right here. You lead a squad of men who were actually in the battles that you fight.
The maps are renderings of the exact countryside they fought on (people that have been in development were able to visit normandy and knew where to go from their memory of the game), and you command your team using genuine WW2 tactics. You have to see that vid to see what I am talking about.
I am really interested in this part of our shared history so I am very excited about this game right now.
Hope it doesn't dissappoint!

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