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Old 07-05-2006, 06:38 PM
Mauser 98K is offline Mauser 98K
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Angry aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggg

to whom it my consern.

i dont give a crap anymore, some1 should have said this a long time ago, i am tired of the world as it is and as it will be.

the 1 thing in this world that i love
the most is freedom.

freedom to be able to speak ya mind without some one who doesnt care about what any1 thinks unless it agrees with what they belive screwing with ya.

must be nice to live in a world where
everything is givin to ya on a platter.

must be nice to live in a world where ya always get your way.

must be nice to live in a world where every1 can have an opinion as long as it agrees with your opinion.

must be nice to live in a world that is perfect and where no1 will say anything because they are afraid of offending you, you bloody tyrant.

must be nice to live in a world where if some1s opinion isnt in acordance with your own beliefs you can erase what they said.

why cant i have an opinion? why cant i voice what i belive? why is it everytime some1 voices an opinion that makes any sence it is automaticly erased?

**** offending people.
if they are offended by words then they are freking wusses and desreve to be flogged, that is my opinion.

i am tired of taking bull**** from people that think they are better than me,

these words here are also my opinion and if i must fight inorder to voice my opinion i will.

and if i get banned because of my opinion then shame on you tyrant, destroyier of freedoms, and saying some1 cant say what they belive or punishing some1 because of voicing what they belive is infringing the freedom of speach, and any infringment on any right is legaly considered as treason aganst the Constitution of the United States.

and if i must give up the ability to post or visit here inorder to speak my mind and exersise my rights given to my NOT BY THE GOVERNMENT but by god himself then i will gladly give it up.

i am tired of sitting in the shadows while more and more of our freedoms are taken away just to keep from offending some dumbass who should have been a stain on the carpet rather than a child, freedoms taken little by little ither by the government or by individual traitors living in our own homes or neighborhoods.

if people arnt pissed off by what is happening then shame on them, they will be the ones that are left wondering wtf happened to their freedom that they took for granted
but i am done, finished, sitting idly by while my freedom is being dragged thru the dirt just to suit some one who hates freedom.

thats it im done, and if i get kicked then remember these words for a few short years from now, sooner than you might think, what i have said here might be illeagle.

so ban me, kick me,erase my opinion, send me on a little vacation, for in so doing you make my point.
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